Contingent Worker Expense Creation
Contingent Workers (CWs) can create and submit their expenses
- Contingent Workers (CWs) can create expenses by navigating to Expense > Create Expense
- All required fields are indicated by an asterisk.
- CW Number and CW Name will auto-populate based on CW profile.
- Choose the correct Charge # or Account from the drop-down list
- Enter an Expense Summary title.
- Enter the From Date and the To Date .
- Enter the Purpose (brief detail) of the expense.
- Click Save and Continue .
- If you have workers who often change assignments, you can save time by allowing all workers to select accounts outside the one(s) assigned to their profile, so managers don't have to manually update worker's profiles for each new assignment.
- Customers who are using CCW's enhanced interface for assigning billing accounts can enable this option by navigating to: Client Settings > System Settings > Allow Contingent Worker to pick account that is different from their assignment on timesheet, invoice and expense.
- If enabled, workers can then search for all accounts available to them directly in the field, or by clicking the magnifying glass icon. (Workers are restricted by the same billing account security that applies to their manager. If a worker attempts to select an account that their manager does not have access to, an error will result.)
- Learn more about how workers can select accounts. (Customers with access to the Coupa core platform can refer to this document instead.)
Add Item
- Select Add Item from Action List.
- Select the Expense Date (date the expense was incurred), which must be within the date range listed on the Expense.
- Choose appropriate Expense Category .
- Choose appropriate Expense Type.
- Choose Payment Type.
- Enter Amount of the expense. Amounts are rounded to two decimal places immediately after clicking or tabbing out of this field.
- Enter a brief Description of the expense.
- Attach a receipt by clicking Browse Receipts , navigating to where the file is saved (pdf, jpg, png, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx files only) and selecting it for upload. Once uploaded, the title of the receipt is the name of the uploaded file. Click the title and type in the text field to edit the name if necessary.
- To associated the expense item with a specific project and/or task order, please see next section.
- Click Save to add the item.
- Continue to add individual expense items to report, as needed.
Expense Items for Projects and Task Orders
Workers on SOW projects can also select a Project Number and Task Order Number to associate with the item. Only Projects and Task Orders that were assigned to the worker on the date selected are available. Select Not Applicable if the item should not be associated with any project or task order.
Select the project number first. Any task orders associated with that project are then selectable, as well.
Learn more about tracking worker expenses on SOW projects .
More Ways to Add Receipts
After saving an item with a receipt, the attached receipt is visible on the Expense Snapshot page in the Expense Items and Receipts & Documents areas. There are additional ways to add receipts to expense items; for example:
In the Expense Items area, each item listed includes an upload icon (see image below) so receipts can be attached directly from this area as well. If you notice the wrong receipt attached to any item here, open the item to remove the receipt and add a new one.
Receipts can be added on the Expense Snapshot page with the Upload Receipt link in the Actions List or the Upload button above the expense.
- When uploading a receipt:
- Enter a Title of the receipt.
- Click Browse to navigate to the location of the saved receipt.
- Select the receipt file (pdf, jpg, png, gif, doc, docx, xls, xlsx files only) and click Open.
- Select the checkbox next to the expense item where this receipt should be attached.
- Click Upload .
Details about the attached receipts can be viewed from the Expense Snapshot page, under Expense Items , by clicking the "eyeball" icon next to an item to see the receipts attached along with information about them.
In the Receipts & Documents section click the button in the View Item column next to any receipt to see item(s) associated with that receipt. The item number, amount and other details are displayed.
Submit Expense Report
- Click Submit to from the Action List.
- Click to confirm.
Monitoring Expense Report(s)
- CW will navigate to Main Menu > Expense > Expense Detail
- Expense Status indicates where the expense is in the approval process.