Assign Workers to an Order Line in the CSP
Create worker assignments directly on a purchase order through the Coupa Supplier Portal
Worker Assignments Overview
Assignments let you track workers, so you know who is working on what, as well as which workers are currently active and which are available, helping you allocate resources more efficiently. Supplier users assigned the Worker Assignments - Manage permission in the CSP can create a worker assignment on orders whose type is Service (Qty, Amt, or Resource) and whose status is Draft or Issued.
How to assign workers to an order line
To add a worker, or workers, the order line must be in one of the following statuses:
- Created
- Draft
- Partially Received
- Received
- Soft Closed for Receiving and Invoicing
- Soft Closed for Receiving
Follow these steps:
- When viewing PO lines, click Add in the Worker Assignment field. If at least one assignment already exists for that line, the Worker Assignments field shows the number of assignments (excluding assignments in Draft status). Click the number to view worker assignments for the PO line, and click Create Assignment.
- On the Worker Assignment Create screen, enter the following information under Assignment Details:
- PO line - the PO line number associated with this assignment is pre-populated. Point your mouse at the line number to see details about the PO line, including the status, commodity, description, and service start/end dates.
- Workers - You can select existing workers for the assignment (up to 20 at a time). You can select workers in one of the following ways:
- Type a worker’s name in the type-ahead field until the full name displays, then select that worker.
- Click the magnifying glass icon to view the list of workers available from the supplier on the PO. You can see the worker numbers, names, current assignments, skills, and status. For more information about the worker grid, see View and Edit Worker Information in the CSP. Select the checkbox for each worker you want to add to the assignment and click Choose.
- Supplier Contact Email - Auto-populated from the PO line, if available. Otherwise you can enter the email manually.
- Resource Manager - Auto-populated from the PO line, if available. Otherwise you can type the name of the resource manager until the name displays in the list, then select the manager. Only active users are displayed. Or you can click the down arrow to see the full list of eligible managers. To remove a selected manager, click the X.
- Start Date - If the PO line includes a start date, it is auto-populated. You cannot set a new start date that is earlier than the PO line start date.
- End Date - If the PO line includes an end date, it is auto-populated. You cannot set a new end date that is after the PO line end date.
- If you want to create multiple assignments with different time periods, or groups of workers, or other details, click Add to specify up to five distinct assignment details per PO line, each with as many as 20 workers. Click the delete icon to remove any assignment details, if you’ve added more than one.
- Click Create to create the assignment, or Submit if you're editing an existing assignment. Click Cancel to exit the assignment without saving it.