• Published on: 19 September 2024
  • Last edited on: 19 September 2024

View and Edit Worker Information in the CSP

Review your full list of workers, as well as individual worker profiles, and update worker information in the Coupa Supplier Portal

View Worker Lists in the CSP

Supplier users assigned the Workers - View or Workers - Manage permissions can view their list of workers in the CSP. Select a customer name above a Worker Profiles grid to see only workers associated with that customer.

Follow these steps to view the list of workers:
  1. Navigate to Workers in the CSP.
  2. The Worker Profiles grid displays all existing workers with the following columns:
  • Worker # - Unique ID assigned to the worker profile. Click the worker # to view that individual worker’s profile. See View an Individual Worker’s Profile below.
  • Name - The worker’s full name.
  • Current Title - The worker's title.
  • Assignments - Shows how many assignments the worker currently has (or “None” if no assignments). Point your mouse at the number to see each specific assignment number, with start/end dates and status of the assignment. Click an assignment number for more details about the assignment. For more information about assignments, see Manage Assignments in the CSP
  • Skills - Shows how many skills the worker has, if at least one was entered. Point your mouse at the number to see all skills for this worker.
  • Status - The worker’s status can be one of the following:
    • Open - worker was created and submitted for approval. Newly-created workers are in Open status until they are given an assignment. 
    • Assigned - The worker has an assignment currently in progress. 
  • Actions - Depending on your assigned permissions, you can edit the worker profile to make changes. See Create and Manage Workers in the CSP

You can filter the table to show only the workers in Open or Assigned status by clicking Views in the top left area of the table. For more information on using filters, views, search, and other features of Coupa data tables, see the following documentation:

View an individual worker's profile

Supplier users with the Worker - View or Workers - Manage permissions can view an individual worker’s profile by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Workers in the CSP.
  2. Click the Worker # of the worker profile you want to view.

A worker’s profile includes basic information about the worker, including the worker’s name, location, total experience in years, and a profile photo, if one was uploaded.  The worker’s status, either Open or Assigned, is also displayed. The following information is also included on the worker profile:

  • Email addresses
  • Phone Numbers
  • Addresses
  • Assignments - For more information about the Assignments grid, see Manage Assignments in the CSP
  • Documents - If you are assigned the appropriate permissions, you can access documents that were uploaded to this worker’s profile, including the type of document, link to download the attachment or view the document in your browser, and the date the document was added. 
  • Skills - All of the worker’s skills, and proficiency levels for each.
  • National identifiers - If you are assigned the appropriate permissions, you can access the worker's driver’s license, passport, or social security numbers (US only). For each identifier you can see the following information:
    • Country/Region
    • Identifier Type: Passport, Driver’s License, etc.
    • Identifier: Displays as masked by default. If you’ve been assigned the appropriate permissions (See the Required Permissions section in Create and Manage Workers in the CSP. ) click the eyeball icon to unmask the identifier and view it in plain text. 
  • External identifiers - Identifiers (IDs) assigned to the worker in external systems. For each identifier you can see the following information:
    • Type: Name of the external system.
    • Identifier: Specific ID assigned to the worker.
  • History - A log of all activity related to the worker, such as when the worker was created and all changes made to the worker’s profile. Includes the user who made the change, and the date and time the change was made.

Users assigned the Workers - Manage permission can view all of the worker’s assignments (for more details, see Manage Assignments in the CSP).

Click Edit to make changes to the worker profile. See Create and Manage Workers in the CSP to learn about modifying each section of a worker’s profile.

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