• Published on: 30 October 2023
  • Last edited on: 25 July 2024

Manage Users

Manage user permissions and customer access.


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Permissions grant access for users to corresponding menu items. As an admin user, you have all the permissions by default.

You can manage user permissions and customer access by assigning certain users to only certain customers and by limiting what types of documents they can access and what functions they can perform with their assigned customers.

Go to Setup > Admin. The Admin Users page appears.


Click on the Edit button to open the Edit user access for [User Name] window.


You can change the user's name, modify the user's permissions and customer access, or deactivate the user.


The Deactivate User button is inactive when you edit your own access to avoid deactivating your own account.

You cannot change the user's email address. If a user wants to change the email address, send a new invitation to that user.

The Invite User and Edit user access for [User Name] windows are almost identical, but when you invite a user, you can specify an email address.

User permissions

Permissions Description
All Gives full access to all CSP functions, except for user administration.
Admin Has full access to all CSP functions, including user administration. Non-admin users can still view the Users tab of the Admin page and invite users, but they cannot edit existing users. The permissions on the invitation cannot exceed the permissions of the user creating the invitation.
Orders Allows viewing and managing purchase orders (POs) received from customers. When selected, All is on by default.
Restricted Access to Orders Allows accessing specific POs (assigned to specific users). The permission is off by default. 
All Allows viewing and managing all POs received from customers. When Orders is selected, it is on by default.
Invoices Allows creating and sending invoices to customers.
Catalogs Allows creating and managing customer-specific electronic catalogs.

Allows modifying customer-specific profiles.


All users, regardless of permissions, can edit the public profile.

ASNs Allows creating and sending advance ship notices (ASNs) to customers.
Service/Time Sheets Allows creating and submitting service/time sheets against POs. When selected, All is on by default.
Restricted Access to Service/Time Sheets Allows accessing specific service/time sheets (assigned to specific users). The permission is off by default.
All Allows creating and submitting any service/time sheets against POs. When Service/Time Sheets is selected, it is on by default.
Payments Allows viewing payments and downloading digital checks.
Order Changes Allows submitting PO change requests. 
Pay Me Now Available only if your customers use Coupa Pay and enabled the feature related to this permission.
Business Performance Allows viewing business performance information, for example, order, invoice, and delivery trends.
Sourcing Allows viewing your and public sourcing events.

Click on the Info (info_icon.png) icon next to the Permissions header for more information. 

The Info info_icon.png icon tooltip shows the following information:

Permissions grant access for the user to the corresponding menu items. 

For Orders and Service/Time Sheets, an additional level of granularity allows restricting a user’s access to documents that are specifically assigned to them. If you want to apply this restriction, select the Restricted Access to Orders and Restricted Access to Service/Time Sheets permissions.

Some customers may not support restricting access to orders and service/time sheets. Contact the Customer Company Admin to confirm if needed.


For auditing purposes, Coupa does not allow users to be deleted, so you cannot delete a user from your profile. Instead, you can deactivate a user when you no longer want that user to be able to access the account.

Reactivate users

You can deactivate users when necessary. Also, users are deactivated automatically due to inactivity. For more information, see Inactivity in Log in to the CSP.

You can see the relevant user status: inactive or deactivated. If you hover over a user's status, the following tooltip text is displayed informing you about the reason why a supplier user is not active:

  • Deactivated: This user has been manually deactivated by an admin. It can be reactivated only by admin reactivation.

  • Inactive: This user's account has been deactivated due to inactivity. It can be reactivated by validating the user's email during their next login attempt.

You can activate both inactive and deactivated users. If you activate them, they receive an email notification to verify their email. 

If you deactivate users, you can always reactivate them later. If you reactivate a user, the customer access is reset for that user, so you'll have to assign customers to that user again.


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