PO Line must be the same type as invoice line
The supplier is sending a cXML invoice to Coupa that contains service line items with the improper tags.
An invoice line is either an InvoiceDetailItem (quantity + amount) or an InvoiceDetailServiceItem (amount only).
- If the PO line type has quantity only, the cXML invoice line must conform to the InvoiceDetailItem tags. For reference, see Sample cXML Service Type Invoice.
- If the PO line type is amount based, then the cXML invoice line must conform to the InvoiceDetailServiceItem tags. For reference, see Sample cXML Quantity Type Invoice.
How do I fix this?
The supplier should check that the service line items contain service line tags and vice versa.
<Status text="Expectation Failed" code="417">Invalid attributes in document. [Validation failed: Invoice lines order line must be the same type as invoice line, Invoice Lines is invalid Invoice header: Invoice lines order line must be the same type as invoice line, Invoice Lines is invalid Invoice line XX: PO Line must be the same type as invoice line]</Status>