Invoice cXML Transmission Error Codes

This topic helps you understand transmission failure messages that you may receive on inbound cXML Invoices from suppliers:

Error code Meaning Action required
HTTP Response Code = 401 Invalid credentials. Check the credentials that the supplier is passing. The settings are on the Supplier Setup page in Coupa.
HTTP Response Code = 403 cXML invoicing not allowed for supplier. Check that the vendor is setup to allow for cXML invoicing.  The settings are on the Supplier Setup page in Coupa.
HTTP Response Code = 406 Could not parse cXML document. The supplier should check the validity of the XML specifications they are sending to Coupa. They can do this by POSTing to the DTD of the specification.
HTTP Response Code = 406 Request did not validate successfully with DTD. The supplier should check the validity of the XML specifications they are sending to Coupa. They can do this by POSTing to the DTD of the specification. Supplier could be creating an invoice against an order number that doesn't exist in the system.
HTTP Response Code = 417 Invalid order/document reference. The order that the supplier is trying to create an invoice against an order that is either not in the system or it is not associated with the supplier that is trying to create the invoice. Supplier could be invoicing an order line number that does not exist on PO.
HTTP Response Code = 417 Invalid attributes in document.

The order that the supplier is trying to create an invoice against that is either not in the system or it is not associated with the supplier that is trying to create the invoice, or the invoice number has already been used for this supplier.

Make sure that the supplier is sending the invoice tied to the correct supplier (check if more than one set up in Coupa) and credentials.

HTTP Response Code = 450 cXML Version of document is not supported. Coupa only supports versions and (for example, 1.2.020/InvoiceDetail.dtd) of the cXML standard.
HTTP Response Code = 450 Characteristic(s) of the request is unsupported. Coupa does not support different tags within your POST, please contact Coupa support.
HTTP Response Code = 500 Server could not build invoice. This is an internal Coupa error. If you receive this, please contact Coupa support.
HTTP Response Code = 500 Server not configured to parse request. This is an internal Coupa error. If you receive this, please contact Coupa support.
HTTP Response Code = 500 Server not configured to parse request. This is an internal Coupa error. If you receive this, please contact Coupa support.