PO failed: Setup request failed: 4xx Login name is not available


This issue happens because of incorrect credentials or because the sender is unrecognized. The status code is 4xx (where xx are digits), which means there was an authentication failure.


  • Review the PO setting and make sure the following information was entered correctly:

    • cXML Domain: for the Buyer
    • cXML Identity: for the Buyer
    • cXML Supplier Domain: for the Supplier
    • cXML Supplier Identity: for the Supplier
    • cXML Secret

    The information is case sensitive.

  • If everything is correct, forward the Coupa failed PO email to the supplier, and ask the supplier to look into it and let you know when you can retry sending the PO.


cXML Response

<?xml version='1.0'?>
<DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cXML.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.011/cXML.dtd">
<cXML xml:lang='en-US' payloadID='20150313185742188.d3b406f0c9b211e489c9c820a212854d.c697b9aef70d47fc003d1a17@ohio491.ohctr.gxs.com' 
timestamp='2015-03-13T18:57:42-GMT' version='1.2.011'>
    <Status code='401'>Unathorized: Unrecognized SenderID</Status>