• Last edited on: 15 February 2024

Accept Offer to Hire

Accept an offer to hire a candidate

Acceptance of Candidate Offer to Hire

To accept an offer to hire their candidate, a supplier can navigate to To Do List > Candidate > You have (#) candidate(s) in queue to accept OTH and click on the desired candidate’s name.


On the Candidate With Offers Details screen, select Accept Offer from the Action List.

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Verify all information on the Accept Offer screen.


Enter Sales Tax Location information based on the location where candidate will be providing services to the client.

  • Select the correct Country/Region , State and County.
  • State and County fields populate a drop-down list based on the previous field selections.

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Verify correct Coupa CW Identifier information.

  • This is a unique eight-digit combination that can be either:
    • the candidate's date of birth, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
    • the last four digits of the candidate’s SSN (or national ID) and the two digit month and day of birth (SSN+MMDD).
    • the last four digits of the candidate’s SSN (or national ID) and the two digit month, day of birth, and four digit year (SSN+MMDDYYYY).
    • full SSN.

Click Accept .