Complete Tier 2 Diversity Reports

When your Coupa customers request Tier 2 Diversity information, you can complete Tier 2 Diversity Reports to give them data about your company’s spending with your diverse suppliers.


Your Coupa customers often have to report on the diversity of their spend to maintain diversity certifications. When they request Tier 2 Diversity Reports, they are asking you to report on any of your company’s spending with your diverse suppliers over a specific period of time.

There are two types of Tier 2 Diverse Spend reporting that your customers may request:

  • Direct Spend is spend that can be directly attributed to the goods and/or services your company provides.
  • Indirect Spend is spend that cannot be directly attributed to the goods and/or services your company provides.

How it works

You can complete Tier 2 Diversity Reports either through the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) or from a Supplier Actionable Notifications email. If you are completing the form via email, follow the instructions in the email and start on step 2 in this procedure.

  1. In the CSP, go to Profile > Information Requests.
  2. Review the instructions. Your customer specifies the reporting period, currencies, diversity types, and spend types they want information about.
    Tier 2 form.
    Field Description
    Reporting Period The span of time your customer wants you to report on. Only include spend that occurred within the specified date range.
    Allowed Currencies The currencies your customer wants you to report on. Only include spend in the indicated currencies.
    Allowed Categories The diversity categories your customer wants you to report on. Only include spend that falls within those categories.
  3. Select Download Template next to the spend types your customer requested data for.
  4. Fill in the CSV files and save them. For field descriptions, see Direct Spend fields and Indirect Spend fields below.
  5. In the CSP, select Choose File and upload your CSV files to their corresponding spend type.
  6. Once you've uploaded your completed files, select Submit.

Direct Spend fields

Direct Spend is spend that can be directly attributed to the goods and/or services your company provides and is reported individually for each of your diverse suppliers. All fields are required, except for the Certificate fields.

Only include suppliers that:

  1. Are of a diversity type accepted by your customer
  2. You have spend with over the requested reporting period
  3. Provided goods or services specific to your work for the requesting customer
Field Description
Company Name The name of the diverse supplier whose products and services can be directly linked to your work for your Coupa customer.
Diversity Type

The three-letter diversity code for the diversity type that applies to the listed supplier. If the supplier has multiple diversity types, please list all types separated by commas. If the supplier has no associated diversity type, they shouldn't be included.

Total Purchases

The total amount of money you spent with this supplier over the period requested that directly relates to your work with your Coupa customer.


The currency used to transact with this supplier. If multiple currencies were used to transact with this supplier, please create a separate row for each currency type.

Certificate Type

If available, the name of the agency responsible for certifying this supplier’s diversity status. If the supplier has multiple certifications, list all agencies separated by commas.


The Certificate fields are not required. If you have certificate information, we highly recommend that you include it.

Certificate Number If available, the certificate number associated with this supplier’s diversity certification. If the supplier has multiple certifications, list all certification numbers separated by commas.
Expiration Date

If available, the expiration date for the supplier’s certification (dd/mm/yyyy). If the supplier has multiple certifications, list all expiration dates separated by commas.

Indirect Spend fields

Indirect Spend is spend that cannot be directly attributed to the goods and/or services your company provides and is reported in relation to specific diversity categories. It is generally spend that supports your entire business, specifically for day-to-day business operations such as landscaping services, office supplies, and catering. When reporting Indirect Spend, it may be helpful to separately compile a list of diverse Indirect Suppliers before you complete this report so you can aggregate your spend by diversity category.

When compiling your diverse spend, please only include spend from suppliers that:

  1. Are of a diversity type accepted by your Coupa customer
  2. You have spend with over the requested reporting period
  3. Provided goods or services specific to your work for your Coupa customer
Field Description
Diversity Type

The diversity categories that your Coupa customer requested you report on. These columns are for your reference, and should not be modified. If you don't report on a certain diversity type, leave that row blank.


Ethnicity is required for the Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) diversity type. Leave this column blank for other diversity types.

Total Purchases

The total amount of purchases your company has made with suppliers of that diversity type during the reporting period.


The currency used to complete your purchases within the specific diversity type.


If you report in multiple currencies for a single diversity type, add one row for each currency.

Total Sales in Reporting Period

Your total sales to all customers over the reporting period. This information is needed to calculate your requesting customer’s diversity credit based on your indirect diverse spend. Contact your Coupa customer for more information.

Total Sales with Requesting Customer in Reporting Period Your total sales with your Coupa customer over the reporting period. This information is needed to calculate your Coupa customer’s diversity credit based on your indirect diverse spend.

    Diversity categories

    Diversity Marker Code Description
    ABILITYONE Ability One Program
    ACDBE Airport Concession Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
    AMS Aboriginal and Minority Supplier
    ANC Alaskan Native Corporation
    BOB Black-owned business
    DBE Disadvantaged Business Enterprise
    DOB Disability Owned Businesses
    DVBE Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise
    EDWOSB Economically Disadvantaged Women-Owned Small Business
    EMB Ethnic minority businesses (EMBs)
    HBCU Historically Black College or University / Minority Institution
    HUBZone Historically Underutilized Business Zone
    IOB Indigenous-owned business
    LGBTBE Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Business Enterprise
    LSA Labor Surplus Area
    MBE Minority-Owned Business Enterprise
    MGOB Minority group owned business
    NAO Native American owned
    NPO Non-profit Organization
    SBA8A SBA-8(A)
    SBE Small Business Enterprise
    SDB Small Disadvantaged Business
    SDVBE Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise
    SDVOSB Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business
    VOB Veteran Owned Business
    VVO Vietnam Veteran Owned
    WBE Woman-Owned Business Enterprise
    WOSB Woman-Owned Small Business

    FAQ and Troubleshooting

    What is indirect spend?

    Indirect Spend is defined as any expenditure a Prime (reporting) supplier has with a diverse business that supports their day-to-day operational costs.  This is not spend that directly affects a Prime supplier's contractual obligations of providing goods and/or services to a specific customer.  Examples of Indirect Spend could be, but are not limited to, physical office building landscaping services, catering companies, office supplies, etc.

    Because of the nature of what Indirect Spend is, the customer is not able to get 100% of this spend.  Instead, the reporting capability calculates an allocation factor.  The Prime supplier is required to provide their sales to the customer for the reporting period, as well as their total company sales for the reporting period.  The system will calculate the percent of business the Prime supplier has with the customer, compared to their entire company sales, and that percentage is applied to the total Indirect Spend entered into the template.  This will provide and indirect spend credit to be captured by the customer.