Register for the CSP
Create an account at, get an invitation email from your Coupa customer, forward an invitation to a peer, or create an account from a PO email.
You can register for the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) through:
- A customer-created invitation
- A self-created registration
- A purchase order (PO) email
- A forwarded invitation from a coworker
The following table provides more detailed information about the benefits and considerations for each method.
Method | Benefits | Considerations |
Customer-created invitation |
You have to wait for your customer to send the invitation email. This means that you might not get invited due to your customer forgetting or not having the time to send the invitations to all their suppliers. |
Self-created registration |
Purchase order (PO) email |
Forwarded invitation from a coworker |
With all methods, you need access to the email address you are going to use for the account.
Your CSP account is based on a specific email address. If you use an email address different from the one your Coupa customers have on file for you, you cannot connect with them until you give them the email address or create a CSP account with that email address.
How to register for the CSP through different methods
The following sections provide details instructions to register via your prefered method:
Customer-created invitation
Ask your customer to send you an invitation to the CSP.
The invitation email has two buttons:
- Join Coupa:
On the tab that opens, create and confirm a password.- Accept the Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
- Click Get Started to create an account for the CSP.
- Forward this invitation:
- On the tab that opens, click the Forward this to someone link.
- Enter their email and click Forward.
Self-created registration
Create your account or accounts ahead of time by following these steps:
- Go to
- Select the New to Coupa? CREATE AN ACCOUNT button.
- Fill in the required fields.
- Click Create and Account to create your CSP account.
If you do not receive your invitation email, check your spam folder.
The email contains instructions and links to useful information, and buttons for joining the CSP or forwarding the invitation. Depending on your customers' settings, your invitation emails might look different and have different sections.
Forwarded invitation
You can invite others to the CSP by:
- Forwarding them your PO email notification with the Create Account button
- Clicking on the Forward This button in your CSP invitation email, or by
- Sending them an invitation from the create account page.
You can forward the invitation only to email addresses with the same domain.
An invitation to the CSP is sent to the email address that you specified.
When the invited user clicks on the Join Coupa button in the email, the user is directed to create an account in the CSP.
If the user is already linked to the CSP or tries to create an account from an expired invitation, the user is directed to the Register / Login page where a red message bar displays the following: "Your invitation has expired or already been activated."
Invitations to the CSP expire after 30 days.