• Last edited on: 21 February 2025

Create or Edit a Service Sheet

Fill out service sheets to show the customer progress on the work they requested

You can create one or more Service Sheets against a Purchase Order to track the progress of your work on that order. To create a new Service Sheet, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Orders in the CSP.
  2. To create a service sheet against the full purchase order, click the Services.png  icon in the Actions column of the Purchase Orders table. Or click a PO Number to open the individual purchase order, and click Create Service Sheets (without selecting any individual lines). For more information, see View and Manage POs.
  3. To create a service sheet only against one or more individual order lines, click the PO Number, select the checkbox on each line you want, and click Create Service Sheets.

To edit an existing service sheet, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Service Sheets in the CSP
  2. Click the Edit (Edit.png) icon in the Actions column for the service sheet you want to edit, or click the number in the Service Sheets column and then click Edit.

    You can also edit a service sheet by clicking on its number on the Service Sheet Lines page.

    How to Fill out a Service Sheet

    Service sheets contain the following information:

    • Status - A newly-created service sheet is initially in Draft status.
    • Service Sheet number - Unique ID assigned to this service sheet.
    • Amount - The total monetary value worth of work being submitted, based on all lines of the service sheet you are viewing, along with the currency.
    • Requested By - The person who requested the service (taken from the purchase order).
    • Submitted On - Date the service sheet was submitted to the customer. Blank if not yet submitted.
    • PO # - the order number you're creating this service sheet against. You can click the PO # to see details about the PO. 
    • Order Date - the date the purchase order was approved and issued.
    • # of Service Sheets for Order - how many service sheets have already been submitted against the same purchase order. You can click the number to open a grid listing all the service sheets (excluding any drafts). 
    • Service Line Details - information about each individual line from the purchase order. See the next section of this document for more information.

    Document your work on each line

    Order lines from the PO are listed so you can enter the details of what you've delivered against each line. Each line on the service sheet includes the following information taken directly from the PO:

    • PO line - Click the link to open the specific PO.
    • Due Date - The end date in the purchase order (if applicable).
    • Supplier contact email - Email address of the supplier contact for this order.
    • PO line total - Total amount of the order line, if applicable.
    • Custom fields - You may see additional fields, if configured by the customer.

    For lines whose type is Resource, you can also see the following information for each service sheet line:

    • Weeks - How many weeks' worth of work have been entered on the service sheet line you are viewing. Point your mouse at the number to see details about the weeks submitted.
    • Hours (or other units of measure) - How many hours (or days, or boxes, or other UOM) have been entered on the service sheet line you are viewing.
    • Amount - The current value, and currency, of the service sheet line you are viewing, based on the hours worked.

    On Amount and Quantity-based lines you can enter a Completion Date (which can be the current day, or a date in the past) allowing the customer to track when order lines are on-time or late. You can also include  attachments (files, URLs, or text) to provide backup documentation for the customer.

    You can delete an order line from a draft Service Sheet that contains multiple lines. When editing a service sheet, click the three dots next to the total line amount and select Delete. After you delete a service sheet line:

    • The total amount of the service sheet is updated to reflect the deleted line.
    • The remaining service sheet lines are re-numbered so they remain in sequential order. For example, if you had three lines and you deleted line two, line three becomes line two.

    You cannot delete the last line remaining on a draft service sheet, and you cannot delete lines from service sheets that have already been submitted or approved.

    On Resource-based lines you can enter a timesheet with the work completed for each day. By default, you can enter a total of 24 hours per day for a specific worker on a service sheet (across one or more assignments). Contact your Coupa rep if you'd like to change the maximum daily hours per worker (must be between 1-24). 

    The Completion Date field is disabled on Resource-based lines, however the last date where you enter a quantity of work (for example, hours) that is greater than 0 is considered the completion date, for purposes of tracking whether the order line is on-time or late.

    You can enter work (or hours) for one week at a time. The weekly period you are viewing is listed above the timesheet. Click the arrows to go forward or back one week at a time and enter hours for those weeks. By default each work week begins on Sunday. 

    Add Detail Lines to provide more specific info

    You can add one or more Detail Lines (at least one is required) to each service sheet line, to itemize or add specific information about the work that was delivered. Fill in the following fields:

    • Description - Your customer may or may not require a description, however it is good practice to describe the work delivered with as much detail as possible. Maximum of 255 characters.
    • Worker Assignment - If workers were assigned to the PO line, you can click in the field to see the list of workers, along with their assignment numbers. Select a worker (or "no worker specified"). You can select one worker per service sheet line. If no workers were associated with the PO line, "no workers available" is displayed. 
    • Rate - If rates were assigned to an amount-based PO line, you can click the field to see the list of rates, and select a rate. Contract rates and ad-hoc rates are listed, alphabetically. Or click the magnifying glass icon to see a table listing all rates with more details. You can enter search terms on the table, or use filtering, to narrow the list. Rates in currencies other than the currency specified in the PO can be selected, and will be converted into the PO currency. Click Choose next to the rate you want. You can select Manually specify a price to enter pricing that may be outside pre-defined rates. If no rates were assigned to the PO, "no rates available" is displayed. 
    • Price - Auto-filled based on the contracted rate selected. If you select Manually specify a price, you can enter the price. Your customer may have set up service sheets so the price field on the first detail line prefills the price from the first order line. If rates are associated with the order, the rate defaults to Manually specify, otherwise the field remains blank. You can edit prefilled prices.
    • Quantity - (for Quantity and Amount-based order lines) If you selected a rate whose line type is Quantity, you can enter a quantity here. The quantity defaults to 1. Your customer may have set up service sheets so the first detail line on a quantity-based line prefills with the remaining quantity from the corresponding order line. It displays a 0 if the quantity is 0 or a negative number. You can edit prefilled quantities.
    • UOM - (for Quantity and Amount-based order lines) Depending on the contracted rate you select, the unit of measure (UOM) may be auto-filled. If you selected Manually specify a price, you can select the UOM.
    • Amount - The price multiplied by the quantity. 
    • Dates / Weeks - (for Resource-based order lines) Enter the number of hours worked for each day between the start and end dates of the order line. You can enter one week at a time. To go forward or back one week, use the arrows in the top-right part of the table.  You can only select workers whose start dates are within the week you are viewing. You can enter time only for days on or before the order line's Due Date.
    • Hour - (for Resource-based order lines) The total number of hours for the week is automatically calculated based on the hours you entered for each day. The total amount of the order line displays under the hours, based on the total hours for each line multiplied by the rate.
    Notes for timesheets on resource-based lines
    • You can enter a maximum of 30 lines per week.
    • You can enter a maximum of 5 weeks per service sheet line.
    • You can go back as far as 100 weeks in the past to enter time. If you are editing a date where work was previously entered but is now more than 100 weeks in the past, you can no longer make changes to that date. 
      • If you'd like to change the 100 week limit, contact your Coupa rep.
    • You cannot enter time prior to a worker's start date. 

    Click Add Detail Line to provide more details. You can remove an existing Detail Line by clicking the trash icon next to the total line amount and select Confirm. You can also select Duplicate to create a new Detail Line with all of the same information. 

    At the bottom of the service sheet you can add comments for your customer, and attach files or URLs, to provide additional context.


    If you're adding a service sheet with more than 50 detail lines, use the bulk loader for the best possible performance.

    When you are finished working on the service sheet, you can click one of the following options:

    • Submit - Sends the service sheet for customer approval.
      • If approved, a receipt and an inventory transaction are created in Coupa for the values of each PO line, and you receive a notification.
      • If rejected, you receive a notification and can resubmit the service sheet.
    • Save - If you're not ready to submit, you can save your changes as a draft and come back to it later.
    • Delete - Deletes the current draft (available only for service sheets in Draft status).
    • Cancel - Exits the service sheet without saving your work.

    View and take actions on service sheets

    To see all of your existing service sheets, and edit, delete, or withdraw an individual service sheet, follow these steps:

    1. Navigate to Service Sheets in the CSP.
    2. By default you are viewing the Service Sheets tab. You can also select the Service Sheet Lines tab to see individual lines associated with each existing service sheet.
    3. Service sheets can be in one of the following statuses: 
      1. Approved
      2. Rejected
      3. Pending Approval - you can Withdraw service sheets that are pending approval, by clicking the icon in the Actions column. 
      4. Withdrawn
      5. Draft - you can Edit or Delete draft service sheets, by clicking the appropriate icon in the Actions column. 
      6. Deleted