• Last edited on: 03 May 2021

View Public Sourcing Events

You can access and participate in public sourcing events.

Go to Sourcing >  Public Sourcing Events to view public sourcing events created by your customer(s) and all the other customers that use Coupa.


You can see this page only if you have the Sourcing permission. For more information, see Manage Users.

The All Public Events page shows a table with the following details of the public sourcing events: Event Name, Company (customer), Commodity (customer), Start Date, End Date, Type, State, and Actions


Click on the Info (info_icon.png) icon to learn more about an event, request participation in the event, or to copy the event link.


You can search for events by event name, commodity, and type.

Both complete (not available) and active events are shown. Complete events are listed for your information, but they are not available for participation.

If you want to participate in an event, click on the relevant Request Participation link in the Actions column. The action name changes to Request Sent and if your request is approved, you receive an email invitation to the event and the action for the event changes to Request Approved


Events are displayed in the languages that customers use to create them.

If there are no public events, you can see a relevant message instead of the events table.