Exemple de facture cXML avalisée par contrat

Utilisez cet exemple de facture cXML adossée à un contrat pour tester votre intégration Coupa.

Coupa permet de valider des factures non avalisées par un bon de commande via cXML.  La seule différence entre les spécifications d'une facture avalisée par bon de commande est que l'ID de charge utile de référence de document dans la balise InvoiceDetailOrderInfo inclut le numéro de contrat au lieu du numéro de bon de commande sous la référence de contrat maître.

			<!-- payloadID is the Contract number -->
			<DocumentReference payloadID="2257" />

Facture cXML pour un contrat

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE cXML SYSTEM "http://xml.cXML.org/schemas/cXML/1.2.020/InvoiceDetail.dtd">
<cXML version="1.0" payloadID="1240598937@SUBDOMAIN.coupahost.com" timestamp="2009-05-01T01:24:51-07:00">
				 <Credential domain="DUNS">
				 <Credential domain="DUNS">
				 <Credential domain="DUNS">
				 <UserAgent>Your Very Own Agent 1.23</UserAgent>
	 <Request deploymentMode="production">
				 <InvoiceDetailRequestHeader invoiceID="735675n3" purpose="standard" operation="new" invoiceDate="2009-05-01T11:45:51-07:00">
						<InvoiceDetailHeaderIndicator />
						<InvoiceDetailLineIndicator isAccountingInLine="yes" />
						<PaymentTerm payInNumberOfDays="30" />
									<!-- payloadID is the Contract number -->
									<DocumentReference payloadID="2257" />
						<!-- First invoice quantity line. -->
						<InvoiceDetailItem invoiceLineNumber="1" quantity="1">
									<Money currency="USD">365</Money>
							 <!-- The lineNumber here is the backing PO line number, i.e. in this case, line 2 of PO #10 -->
							 <InvoiceDetailItemReference lineNumber="1">
									<!-- The Description will show up on the invoice's line description. Although it can be anything, 
											 Coupa recommends that you make this the same as the backing PO line's description. -->
									<Description xml:lang="en">NEW 1 NINTENDO WII GAME CONSOLE + WII FIT BUNDLE +GAMES</Description>
							 <!-- Shows up as "Total" on the invoice line -->
									<Money currency="USD">365</Money>
						<!-- Should add-up and be consistent with the subtotals on the invoice lines -->
							 <Money currency="USD">365</Money>
							 <Money currency="USD">8</Money>
							 <Description xml:lang="en">total tax</Description>
							 <TaxDetail purpose="tax" category="VAT" percentageRate="1" taxPointDate="2009-04-24T11:45:51-07:00">
										 <Money currency="USD">365</Money>
										 <Money currency="USD">8</Money>
									<TaxLocation xml:lang="en">CA</TaxLocation>
							 <Money currency="USD">5</Money>
						<!-- Shipping costs -->
							 <Money currency="USD">30</Money>
							 <Money currency="USD" />

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