Treasury Bulk Direct Debit Details Export
The following list shows the changes made to the CSV exports across the Coupa platform. Unless otherwise stated, all columns are new.
Because Integration Transaction Formats are not available for Treasury objects, you cannot configure the columns for this export.
Bulk Direct Debit Details Export
Exports all records created or updated within the last 7 days.
Column Name |
Description |
Req'd |
Unique |
Type |
Allowable Values |
IntegerID |
UniqueID |
UniqueId (Bulk Direct Debit) |
GuIDentifier |
IntegerID (Bulk Direct Debit) |
integer |
IntegerID (Entity) |
Id |
int |
Abbreviation (Entity) |
Abbreviation of the Participant |
string |
CoreID (Entity) |
ID of the legal entity / financial counterparty in Coupa Core |
Internal Participant (Entity) |
Internal Participant |
boolean |
ID (Account) |
ID of the account |
int |
Name (Account) |
Name of the account |
string(50) |
GL Account Number (Account) |
Currency of the account |
string(9) |
Entity (Account) |
Bank (Account) |
Currency (Account) |
string |
Account Category (Account) |
Classic Cash Pool (Account) |
CoreID (Account) |
ID of the company financial account in Coupa Core |
Payer Name |
string |
Payer Street |
string |
Payer Postal/ZIP Code |
string |
Payer City |
string |
Payer Province/State |
string |
Payer Country/Region |
string |
Payer IBAN |
string |
Payer SWIFT Code / BIC |
string |
Payer Account Number |
string |
Payer Bank Code |
string |
Payer Branch Code |
string |
Payer Bank Name |
string |
Payer Bank Street |
string |
Payer Bank Postal/ZIP Code |
string |
Payer Bank City |
string |
Payer Bank Province/State |
string |
Payer Bank Country/Region |
string |
Amount |
Payment Reference |
End-to-end Reference |
Expense Regulation |
Execution Date |
Payment Instruction 1 |
Payment Instruction 2 |
Payment Instruction 3 |
Payment Instruction 4 |
Payment Instruction 5 |
Payment Instruction 6 |
Payment Instruction 7 |
Payment Instruction 8 |
Payment Instruction 9 |
Payment Instruction 10 |
Comment |
IntegerID (Category) |
Integer ID given by the system |
integer |
UniqueID (Category) |
GuID given by the system |
GuIDentifier |
Abbreviation (Category) |
string |
Name (Category) |
string |
UniqueID (Project) |
GuID given by the system |
IntegerID (Project) |
Integer ID given by the system |
int |
Abbreviation (Project) |
Abbreviation of the project |
string |
UniqueID (Portfolio) |
GuID given by the system |
IntegerID (Portfolio) |
Integer ID given by the system |
int |
Abbreviation (Portfolio) |
Abbreviation of the portfolio |
string |
Cash Forecast Value Date |
date |
Entered Status |
Canceled, Canceled Payment requires attention, Entered |
Entered Date (Audit Details) |
Entered By (Audit Details) |
Last Modified Date (Audit Details) |
Last Modified By (Audit Details) |
Departmental Approval Status |
Departmental Approval 1 User |
Departmental Approval 1 Date |
string |
IntegerID (Departmental Approval 1 Auth. Level) |
ID of signing authority |
integer |
Signing Authority Unique ID (Departmental Approval 1 Auth. Level) |
Unique ID of signing authority |
GuIDentifier |
Signing Authority (Departmental Approval 1 Auth. Level) |
Signing authority assigned to the user |
E, A, B, O, S, Eminus, Aminus, Bminus, EL, AL, BL, ELminus, ALminus, BLminus, ET, AT, BT, ETminus, ATminus, BTminus, |
Departmental Approval 2 User |
Departmental Approval 2 Date |
string |
IntegerID (Departmental Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
ID of signing authority |
integer |
Signing Authority Unique ID (Departmental Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
Unique ID of signing authority |
GuIDentifier |
Signing Authority (Departmental Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
Signing authority assigned to the user |
E, A, B, O, S, Eminus, Aminus, Bminus, EL, AL, BL, ELminus, ALminus, BLminus, ET, AT, BT, ETminus, ATminus, BTminus, |
Bank Approval Status |
Bank Approval User |
Bank Approval Date |
string |
IntegerID (Bank Approval Auth. Level) |
ID of signing authority |
integer |
Signing Authority Unique ID (Bank Approval Auth. Level) |
Unique ID of signing authority |
GuIDentifier |
Signing Authority (Bank Approval Auth. Level) |
Signing authority assigned to the user |
E, A, B, O, S, Eminus, Aminus, Bminus, EL, AL, BL, ELminus, ALminus, BLminus, ET, AT, BT, ETminus, ATminus, BTminus, |
Bank Approval 2 User |
Bank Approval 2 Date |
string |
IntegerID (Bank Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
ID of signing authority |
integer |
Signing Authority Unique ID (Bank Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
Unique ID of signing authority |
GuIDentifier |
Signing Authority (Bank Approval 2 Auth. Level) |
Signing authority assigned to the user |
E, A, B, O, S, Eminus, Aminus, Bminus, EL, AL, BL, ELminus, ALminus, BLminus, ET, AT, BT, ETminus, ATminus, BTminus, |
Transmission Status |
Unsent, InTransit, TransmissionStopped, TransmittedToBank |
Bank Processing Status |
NotReceivedByBank, InProcessAtBank, OnlyPositiveStatusCodesAvailableButNotAllTransactionsAreCovered, OnlyNegativeStatusCodesAvailableButNotAllTransactionsAreCovered, BothNegativeAndPositiveStatusCodesAreAvailableButNotAllTransactionsAreCovered, PaymentRejected, PaymentInPartExecuted, PaymentComplete |