
This can be used to load suppliers using CSV import file. Anything in this document can be created/updated using the Basic Supplier CSV Import.

To update UDFs (User Defined Fields) we will have to use Extended Supplier CSV Import. All fields that are not getting updated or not used, will have to be removed from CSV import file and send only deltas.

Post URL


Order precedence/key priority

  1. Entity ID
  2. Supplier Number
  3. External Reference
  4. Supplier Name


Field Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
ParentExternalReference Enter the unique reference key of the supplier parent to link to external systems (ERP system, etc). String(256)
ExternalReference (*) Enter the unique reference key to link to external systems (ERP system, etc). NOTE: this field is required but can be left blank if the SupplierName is populated. Yes String(256) any
SupplierNumber Enter the unique reference number. String(256) Not settable, only used for updates
SupplierName (*) Enter the name of the supplier . NOTE: this field is required but can be left blank if the ExternalReference is populated. Yes String(256) any
Status Enter the status of the supplier. String(64)
SupplierMgrUserName (*) Enter the username of the internal Client supplier manager. Yes String(256)

Uses regular expressions:

Default: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(\w{2,7})$ Used when http context doen't exist

Filtering on top level domains: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(TOPLEVELDOMAINLIST)$ Used for a logged in user

*Note: regex can be chaned per client via a localization change request.

AND Can't contain ..

AND Can't contain .@

AND Can't contain whitespace

SupplierMgrFirstName Enter the first name of the internal Client supplier manager. NOTE: this field is required only when SupplierMgrUsername does not exist in the system. String(64) any
SupplierMgrLastName Enter the last name of the internal Client supplier manager. NOTE: this field is required only when SupplierMgrUsername does not exist in the system. String(64) any
AccountMgrEmail (*) Enter the email address of external supplier account manager . Yes String(256)

Email can't be a username for an exsting user on another supplier.

Uses regular expressions:

Default: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(\w{2,7})$ Used when http context doen't exist

Filtering on top level domains: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(TOPLEVELDOMAINLIST)$ Used for a logged in user

*Note: regex can be chaned per client via a localization change request.

AND Can't contain ..

AND Can't contain .@

AND Can't contain whitespace

AlternateAccountMgrEmail Enter the alternate email address of the external user. String(256) any
AccountMgrFirstName (*) Enter the first name of external supplier account manager. Yes String(64) any
AccountMgrLastName (*) Enter the last name of external supplier account manager. Yes String(64) any
ShortName Enter the supplier short name. String(64) any
ParentName Enter the supplier parent name. String(256) any
LegalName Enter the supplier legal name. String(64) any
DUNSNumber Enter the unique nine digit number for identifying and tracking. String(64) any
TickerSymbol Enter the supplier ticker symbol. String(64)
IndustryClassification Enter the industry type. Must match an existing industry classification code defined under Setup Data Management. String(64)
Classification Enter the classification type. Must match an existing classification defined under Setup Data Management. String(64)
MinorityType Enter the minority type.
RiskRating Enter the level of risk associated with the supplier. Must match an existing risk rating defined under Setup Data Management. String(64)
TaxIDNumber Enter the US tax exempt ID number. String(64)
VATNumber Enter the European VAT number. String(64)
OnExclusionList [Yes or No] Enter Yes to indicate the supplier is on the US State Department's Terrorist Exclusion List. Bool
SupplierGroup Enter the name of the supplier group.
AutoApproveCompliance [Yes or No] Enter Yes to indicate the supplier program responses for all compliance programs are automatically approved (if compliant). NOTE: setting the Auto Approve Compliance flag to 'Yes' indicates that all compliance programs for this supplier are configured as auto approval programs. This setting defaults to 'No' and overrides the program definition.
Phone Enter the supplier phone number. String(64)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

Fax Enter the supplier fax number. String(64)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

Website Enter the supplier web site. String(256)
BusinessType Enter the business type. Must match an existing business type defined under Setup Data Management. String(256) any
SupplierType Enter the supplier type. Must match an existing supplier type defined under Setup Data Management. String(256) any
YearEstablished Enter the year the supplier was founded. String(60)
EDIEnabled Enter the EDI enabled type. String(256)
LifeCycleStatus Enter the life cycle status of the supplier. Must match an existing life cycle status. See Supplier Life Cycle Status Management.
UltimateCountry Enter the default country of origin. String(64)
DefaultLanguage Enter the default culture.
WorkspaceList Enter the name of the workspace the supplier should be included. Multiple values must be separated with the pipe character (|). If the workspace does not exist, the import creates it and adds the supplier. If the workspace does exist, the import adds the supplier to that workspace. NOTE: all suppliers are added to the main workspace (Hiperos 3PM ). See Your Active Workspaces.
OnHold [Yes or No] Enter Yes to indicate the supplier is on hold. Boolean Yes or No
HoldReason Enter the reason the supplier is on hold. String(64)
Description Enter a brief description of the supplier. NOTE: this is the Products and/or Services field on the Supplier Management page. String(Max) any
