Users Import


The User Import process read files from the ./Incoming/Users/ in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Users/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

  • Associated fields like Content Groups, Account Group Names, etc. must already exist. They will not be created through the users integration (CSV or API).
  • Integrations (CSV or API) currently supports only a full default account code. If only a portion of the default account code is used as a source field, the integration can query Coupa for any account that matches the partial account with a limit of 1.


  • Id
  • Employee Number
  • Login


You can update any field if you include Id. You can update Login using Employee Number. However, you cannot update Employee Number using Login. Coupa tries to create a new record with the login, and the integration will fail.

User Authentication

Methods that don't use standard Coupa credentials need to be configured in the customer instance before they are available as choices on a user record. These are case some sample values and their associated reference field:

  • LDAP - "ldap" - The Login field is mapped to the LDAP sAMAccountName field
  • SAML - "saml" - The Sso Identifier field is mapped to the SAML NameID

List of Valid Locales

en, tr, ja, cs, es, da, de-AT, de-CH, de, en-AU, de-BE, de-LU, en-CA, en-GB, en-HK, en-IE, en-IN, en-ME, en-MT, en-MY, en-NZ, en-PH, en-ZA, es-CO, es-MX, es-PR, es-IC, fi, fr-BE, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr, hu, fr-LU, it-CH, it, ko, nl-BE, nl, no, pl, pt-BR, pt, ru, ro, sr, sv, zh-CN, zh-TW, zh-HK, en, tr, ja, cs, es, da, de-AT, de-CH, de, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IE, en-ZA, es-CO, es-MX, es-PR, fi, fr-BE, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr, hu, it-CH, it, ko, nl-BE, nl, no, pl, pt-BR, pt, ru, sv, zh-CN, zh-TW, zh-HK,