Suppliers Import


The Supplier Import process reads files from ./Incoming/Suppliers/ in the standard SFTP setup. These files are moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Suppliers/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.


Not all fields on the supplier object are available through the UI. Use the UI's bulk-loader template to see what fields are available through the UI. If you're unsure about which fields to use for your supplier integration, talk to your Coupa Implementation Manager.

Key Priority

The following are the fields used to look up the supplier record:

  • ID

  • Supplier Number

  • Name

If more than one field is specified, the highest priority field is used.


ID is Coupa's unique value for the supplier, so it can't be modified. Use it to update any field. You can also update any field (except ID) if you use either Supplier Number or Suppler Name.


Supplier Name and Supplier Number must be unique.

Additionally, if the CSV file contains the same supplier record more than once, and if the supplier numbers differ for both records, Coupa will update the supplier number with the value from the row closest to the end of the file.


US numbers should be in the format xxx yyy zzzz eeee, where 'eeee' represents an optional extension. Non-US numbers must be prefaced by a + sign and the country code. +aa xxx yyy zzzz eeee

For FedRAMP instances, website URLs must be in https: format.


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Name Yes Yes string(100) Must be unique supplier name or else the system will attempt to updated the existing supplier record
Display Name No No string(255) Supplier display name
Id No No integer Coupa Unique Supplier Id
Content Groups No No Enter in content groups (for security)
Status No No Possible values are active, inactive or draft.
Commodity No No Must match the commodity name exactly.
Enterprise Code No No Must match the enterprise code exactly.
Supplier Number No Yes string(255) Often used to cross-reference your supplier number from the financial system
Parent Company No No Supplier Parent Company
Account Number No No string(255) Your account number with the supplier to be printed on the purchase order
Tax ID No Yes string(255) Your suppliers Tax Identification Number (TIN)
Tax Code No No If filled in, must match one of your Tax Codes
DUNS No No string Your supplier's DUNS number
Online Store URL No No Online Store URL
Online Store Login No No Online Store Login
Primary Contact Email No No Your supplier contact's email. A primary contact can only have one email address. Note: If you include multiple email addresses, you will need to delete one from the primary contact in Coupa before you can edit and save the Supplier record.
Primary Contact Reference Code No No Your supplier contact's Reference Code
Primary Contact Phone Work No No Your supplier contact's work phone number in the format xxx-yyy-zzzz. Intl numbers must be prefaced by a + sign and the country code. +aa xxx-yyy-zzzz
Primary Contact Phone Mobile No No Your supplier contact's Phone Mobile
Primary Contact Phone Fax No No Your supplier contact's Phone Fax
Primary Contact Name Given No No Your supplier contact's Name Given
Primary Contact Name Family No No Your supplier contact's Name Family
Primary Address Street1 No No Your supplier's Address Street Line 1
Primary Address Street2 No No Your supplier's Address Street Line 2
Primary Address Street3 No No Your supplier's Address Street Line 3
Primary Address Street4 No No Your supplier's Address Street Line 4
Primary Address City No No Your supplier's Address City
Primary Address State No No Your supplier's Address State
Primary Address Postal Code No No Your supplier's Address Postal Code
Primary Address Country Code No No Your supplier's Address Country Code
Primary Address Vat Number No No Your supplier's Address Vat registration number
Primary Address Vat Country Code No No Your supplier's 2-digit country code
Primary Address Local Tax Number No No Your supplier's Address local tax number
Invoice Matching Level No No string(255) Possible values are none, 2-way or 3-way. Only used for invoicing. Required when creating a supplier. Not required when updating a supplier. 2-way, 3-way, 3-way-direct, none
PO Method No No string(255) Possible values are email, cxml, xml, buy_online or prompt. If email, the system will send the PO via email (must fill in the PO email address). If cxml, system will send the PO via XML (must fill in the cXML values). If prompt, the system will hold the PO and wait for you to manually release the order. cxml, xml, email, prompt, mark_as_sent, buy_online
PO Change Method No No string(255) Possible values are email, cxml, xml, buy_online or prompt. If email, the system will send the PO via email (must fill in the PO email address). If cxml, system will send the PO via XML (must fill in the cXML values). If prompt, the system will hold the PO and wait for you to manually release the order. cxml, xml, email, prompt, mark_as_sent, buy_online
Buyer Hold No No boolean Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then the buyer will need to review the PO before issuing. If no, the system will automatically send the PO via the preferred PO method
Default Locale No No string(255) Will accept any valid locale short code i.e. en, en-GB, fr, fr-CA, etc.
PO Email No No string(255) Required if PO method is email. Can contain more than one email address. Place all the addresses within quotes, separated by commas.
Payment Method Yes No string(255) Must be "Invoice", "P-Card", "Invoice Only", or "P-Card Only"
Remit-To Requirements No No integer Must be either "Address Only" or "Must include payment information"
Payment Terms No No If filled in, must match one of your Payment Terms
Shipping Terms No No If filled in, must match one of your Shipping Terms
PO cXML URL No No string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
PO cXML Domain No No string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
PO cXML Identity No Yes string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
PO cXML Supplier Domain No No string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
PO cXML Supplier Identity No Yes string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
PO cXML Protocol No No string Must be filled in if PO method is cXML
cXML SSL Version No No string Blank to use latest version available (recommended). Set to TLSv1 or SSLv3 to override
Disable Cert Verify No No boolean Disable SSL Cert Checking
PO cXML HTTP Basic Auth Username No No string If sending PO cXML has HTTP Basic Auth
Allow cXML Invoicing No No boolean Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then supplier will be able to send cXML invoices.
cXML Invoicing - Supplier Domain No No string Must be filled in if Allow cXML Invoicing is Yes
cXML Invoicing - Supplier Identity No Yes string Required if Allow cXML Invoicing is Yes. This field is unique across multiple suppliers.
cXML Invoicing - Buyer Domain No No string Must be filled in if Allow cXML Invoicing is Yes
cXML Invoicing - Buyer Identity No Yes string Must be filled in if Allow cXML Invoicing is Yes
cXML Invoicing Shared Key No No string Must be filled in if Allow cXML Invoicing is Yes
Savings (%) No No decimal(8,2) Can be any number. It is used to generate the savings from using this preferred supplier on your purchases
On Hold No No boolean Possible values are <em>Yes</em> or <em>No</em>. If yes, then the supplier on hold and POs can not be created against supplier.
Invoice Emails No No InvoiceEmail Registered email addresses allowed to send invoices via email to
Account Types No No AccountType Chart of Accounts for supplier
Always Route Invoices From This Supplier For Approval No No boolean Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then invoices will all be sent thru approvals, regardless of total amount.
Allow Invoicing From CSN No No boolean Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then the supplier can create invoices against their POs or Contracts in CSN.
Create Invoices with No Backing Document No No boolean Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then the supplier can create invoices without a backing PO or Contract in CSN.
Allow Invoicing Choose Billing Account From CSN No No boolean Possible values are <em>Yes</em> or <em>No</em>. If yes, then the supplier can choose the billing account for invoices in CSN.
Restricted account types No No Chart of Accounts that supplier is restricted to select billing for. This column is only applicable if the supplier is on CSN. It can't be used for restricting suppliers to a CoA.
Preferred Language No No Default supplier language - default is US-English
Preferred Currency No No Default supplier currency - default is USD
Country of Operation Code No No Country Code for Country of Operations
Allow Non-Backed Lines on PO Invoices No No boolean 'Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then the supplier can create invoices lines without a backing PO or Contract in CSN.'
Website No No string(255) Supplier Website
Email domain No No Default contact email
Default contact email No No Email Doman (ex.
Hold invoices for AP review No No boolean Prevent invoices from this supplier from being approved before AP reviews them.
Allow CSP Access without Two Factor No No boolean Allows supplier to access Customer's data from CSP without Two Factor
Request change orders No No boolean Allow supplier to initiate an Order change requests
Send Email Added Notification No No No Description Found
Enable for Early Payments No No No Description Found
Early Payment Programs No No No Description Found
Supply Chain Finance Configurations No No string Supply Chain Finance Configurations to be whitelisted for the supplier
Only pay financed invoices via Coupa Pay No No boolean Only financed invoice will be paid via Coupa Pay, others via ERP
Parent Business Entity Name No No Business Entity Name
Tags No No Tags
Preferred Commodities No No Commodity Preferred Commodities
One Time Supplier No No boolean Is this a One Time Supplier?
Scope Three Emissions No No boolean Do you track Scope Three Emissions?
Last Invited Email No No No Description Found
Last Invited At No No No Description Found
Last Reminded At No No No Description Found
Proxy ID No No No Description Found
Supplier website No No string(255) No Description Found
Do Not Offer Static Discounting No No boolean No Description Found
Create Credit Notes without Backing Invoice No No boolean Create Credit Notes without Backing Invoice
Allow supplier to propose item substitute on Order Confirmations No No boolean Allow supplier to propose item substitute on Order Confirmations
Payment Types No No PaymentType Valid options for Payment Types are - "Virtual Card" or "Bank Transfer" or "Check"

Supplier Diversity Report Direct Spend

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Company Name* Yes No Company Name
Diversity Type No No Diversity Type
Total Purchases* Yes No Total Purchases
Currency* Yes No Currency
Certificate Type No No Certificate Type
Certificate Number No No Certificate Number
Expiration Date No No Expiration Date

Supplier Diversity Report Indirect Spend

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Diversity Type No No Diversity Type
Ethnicity No No Ethnicity
Total Purchases No No Total Purchases
Currency No No Currency
Total sales in Reporting Period No No Total sales in Reporting Period
Total sales with Requesting Customer in Reporting Period No No Total sales with Requesting Customer in Reporting Period