Commodities API (/commodities)


This resources is associated with Items API, Order Lines API, Suppliers API, and Supplier Information API.


Verb Path Action Description
POST /api/commodities create Create commodity
GET /api/commodities index Query commodities
GET /api/commodities/:id show Show commodity
PATCH /api/commodities/:id update Update commodity
PUT /api/commodities/:id update Update commodity


Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
active A false value will inactivate the account making it no longer available to users. A true value will make it active and available to users. true, false yes yes boolean
category Category goods, services, monetary, others yes yes string(255)
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
deductibility Deductibility fully_deductible, partially_deductible, not_deductible yes yes string(255)
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
imported-from-taxonomy A true value will tell that the commodity is imported from Coupa Taxonomy. A false value will tell that the value is created by a user or system yes boolean
name name yes yes yes yes string(255)
parent parent yes yes Commodity
preferred A Yes/No value will mark/unmark commodity as preferred. Set to Automatic if you want the system to mark preferred. 'Automatic' option is available only if 'Automatic Guided Experiences configuration' is enabled on the Company Information page. Yes, No, Automatic, Always, Never yes yes string(255)
subcategory Subcategory raw_materials, investment_goods, services_exceptions yes yes string(255)
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User
translated_name Translated name yes