
The Engagements quick integration import allows Hiperos 3PM users to directly upload spreadsheets via the HTTPS protocol. This allows customers to perform inbound imports in an automated manner without the need of a Engagement interface.

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Field Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
EngagementNumber Enter a reference key that uniquely identifies the engagement record in Hiperos 3PM. yes String(64)
EngagementName (*) Enter the name of the engagement. yes String(256) any
Description Enter a short description of the engagement. String(256) any
EngagementMgrUsername (*) Enter the username of the internal Client manager. Must match an existing username. yes String(256) any
Organizations (*) Enter the names of the organizations participating in this engagement. Must match an existing organization defined under Organization Unit Management. Multiple values must be separated with the pipe character (|). yes any
Activated [Yes or No] Enter Yes to mark the engagement as active. boolean true/false
ContractNumber Enter the contract reference number assigned to the contract upon creation. String(64) any
ContractAmount Enter the total (or annual) dollar value assigned to the contract. any

Enter the currency code.AUD > Australian Dollar

CAD > Canadian Dollar

CNY > Chinese Yuan

EUR > Euro

GBP > British Pound

USD > US Dollar

AUD > Australian Dollar

CAD > Canadian Dollar

CNY > Chinese Yuan

EUR > Euro

GBP > British Pound

USD > US Dollar

StartDate (*) Enter the start date of contract period of performance. yes DateTime any
ExpirationDate Enter the end date of contract period of performance. DateTime any
ContractDocumentFileName Enter the name of the engagement contract. any
AtRiskFee Enter the dollar amount that will be used to calculate performance-based compensation for a supplier or relationship based on the final score of an assessment from a performance program. any
RiskRating Enter the appropriate assessment of overall risk assigned to the engagement. See Setup Data Management on how to create and maintain these values. String(64) any
Geography Enter the location where the contract will be utilized. Must match an existing geography defined under Setup Data Management. String(256) any
Classification Enter the engagement segmentation classification. Classification indicates the type of business relationship the client has with the engagement (e.g., commodity, strategic) and can be populated with any labels the client organization uses to classify suppliers. Must match an existing classification defined under Setup Data Management. any
Category Enter the services classification for the engagement. Must match an existing category defined under Setup Data Management. String(64) any
SubCategory Enter the services subclassification for the engagement. See Setup Data Management. String(64) any
HiperosFamily Enter the category. Must match an existing Hiperos Category Family type. Refer to Setup Data Management.
HiperosCategory Enter the Hiperos category. Must match an existing Hiperos Category type. Refer to Setup Data Management.
HiperosSubCategory Enter the Hiperos subcategory for the engagement.

Enter the client access to allow viewing and editing of the engagement record.Manager Only



