User Group Import


This import will allow you to maintain the User Groups. The Forms import process reads files from ./Incoming/UserGroups/ in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/UserGroups/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.


  • Name


Coupa uses the field Name to lookup an existing record.


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Name Yes Yes string(255) Name
Id No No integer Unique identifier Coupa assigns when a new record is created. It can’t be modified, but can be used to update the record.
Active No No boolean Whether this Project or Group is currently Active.
Owner No No Owner group receives notifications on Approval Group errors. Field is called Parent Group in the UI.
Users By Login No No A semi-colon seperated list of Logins for all users of this project or group.
Users By Employee Number No No A semi-colon seperated list of Employee Numbers for all users of this project or group.
Description No No text Description
Can Approve No No boolean Group has the ability to be an approver.
Open No No boolean When true, a Project or Group is open for everyone to join. When false, an owner must invite others.
Content Groups No No A comma separated list of Content Groups for the Project or Group.