• Last edited on: 16 August 2022

API Operators

Coupa supports a number of operators to enable you to query with precision.

Coupa supports a number of operators to enable you to query with precision.


(none/default) exact match/equality

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/purchase_orders?id=100

Example will return the Purchase Order with a Coupa ID of 100

contains (not available for datetime)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/suppliers?name[contains]=.com

Example will return the first 50 suppliers containing ".com" in the Supplier Name field.

starts_with (not available for datetime)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/budget_lines?notes[starts_with]=San%20Francisco

Example will return the first 50 budget lines a note beginning with "San Francisco"

ends_with (not available for datetime)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/items?name[ends_with]=Gray

Example will return the first 50 items with a name ending in "Gray"

gt- greater than (>)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/purchase_orders/version[gt]=1

Example will return the first 50 purchase orders that have a revision of 2 or higher (>1).

lt- less than  (<)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/suppliers?updated-at[lt]=2010-01-15

Example will return the first 50 supplier records which were last updated before, but not including, January 15th 2010.

gt_or_eq- greater than or equal to (>=)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/purchase_orders/version[gt_or_eq]=3

Example will return the first 50 purchase orders that have a revision of 3 or higher (>=3).

lt_or_eq- less than or equal to  (<=)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/purchase_orders/version[lt_or_eq]=1

Example will return the first 50 supplier records which were last updated before and including January 15th 2010.

not_eq- not equal to (!=)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/purchase_orders?status[not_eq]=active

Example will return the first 50 supplier records not in "active" status

in - the in operator allows you to specify multiple values (shorthand for multiple OR conditions)

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/invoices?account-type[name][in]=SAP100,SAP200

Example will return the first 50 invoice records where the Chart of Account name is SAP100 or SAP200

blank (not available for datetime) - true/false operator determines if the field is blank.

Example: https://example.coupahost.com/api/suppliers?po-email[blank]=true

Example will return the first 50 supplier records with a blank PO Email Address

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