Supplier Locations

The Supplier Locations quick integration import allows Risk Assess users to directly upload spreadsheets via the HTTPS protocol. This allows customers to perform inbound imports in an automated manner without the need for an Engagement interface.

Post URL


Supplier Locations

Field Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
ExternalReference (*) Enter the unique reference key to link to external systems (ERP system, etc). NOTE: this field is required but can be left blank if the SupplierName is populated. Yes any
LocationNumber Enter the location number of the supplier address. String(256) any
SupplierName (*) Enter the name of the supplier. NOTE: this field is required but can be left blank if the ExternalReference is populated. Yes String(256) any
Type (*) Enter the location type. Must match an existing address type defined under Setup Data Management. Yes String(64) any
Country Enter the supplier country. String(64) any
Address1 (*) Enter the first line of the supplier address. Yes String(256) any
Address2 Enter the second line of the supplier address. String(256) any
Address3 Enter the third line of the supplier address. String(256) any
Address4 Enter the fourth line of the supplier address. String(256) any
City (*) Enter the supplier city. Yes String(64) any
State Enter the supplier state. String(64) any
PostalCode Enter the supplier zip code. String(64) any
County Enter the supplier county. String(64) any
SupplierContact (*) Enter the contact of the supplier address. See Supplier Contact. Yes yes String(256) any
DUNSNumber Enter the D-U-N-S Number of the supplier address. String(256) only format allowed is nn-nnn-nnnn
