Pick Lists/Fulfillment Reservations API (/pick lists)


Use the Pick Lists API to get a list of pick lists and update fulfillments. The URL to access pick lists is: https://{your_instance_name}/api/pick_lists

See Pick Lists for more info.


Verb Path Action Description
GET /api/pick_lists Index Query fulfillment reservations
POST /api/pick_lists/update_fulfillments Update Fulfillments Update fulfillment reservations


Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
created-at Time of Fulfillment Reservation Creation in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
id Coupa's internal unique identified yes integer
inventory-balance The item's inventory balance yes Inventory Balance
item Item yes Item
order-line The order line yes OrderLine
qty-fulfilled The fulfilled quantity yes decimal(30,6)
qty-ordered The ordered quantity yes yes decimal(30,6)
status Values can be 'active' or 'closed'. yes string(255)
type Type of Fulfillment Reservation. Values can be 'FulfillmentReservation' or 'FulfillmentShortfall' yes string(255)
updated-at Time of Fulfillment Reservation Updation in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
warehouse The warehouse where the item is located yes Warehouse
warehouse-location The location within the warehouse where the item is located yes Warehouse Location

Sample calls

Get a specific pick list

GET https://{your_instance_name}/api/pick_lists?id={id}.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<fulfillment-reservations type="array">
		<id type="integer">3</id>
		<created-at type="dateTime">2020-02-17T06:52:16+01:00</created-at>
		<updated-at type="dateTime">2020-04-01T09:14:19+02:00</updated-at>
		<qty-ordered type="decimal">1.0</qty-ordered>
		<qty-fulfilled type="decimal">0.1</qty-fulfilled>
		<item> ... </item>
			<id type="integer">211</id>
			<created-at type="dateTime">2019-12-02T21:24:05+01:00</created-at>
			<updated-at type="dateTime">2020-04-01T09:14:19+02:00</updated-at>
			<quantity type="decimal">23.689</quantity>
			<allocated type="decimal">0.9</allocated>
			<available type="decimal">22.789</available>
			<item> ... </item>
			<inventory-valuations type="array">
					<id type="integer">206</id>
					<created-at type="dateTime">2019-12-02T21:24:05+01:00</created-at>
					<updated-at type="dateTime">2020-04-01T09:14:19+02:00</updated-at>
					<unit-price type="decimal">12.26</unit-price>
					<total type="decimal">290.427140</total>
					<currency> ... </currency>
			<warehouse> ... </warehouse>
			<warehouse-location> ... </warehouse-location>
			<created-by> ... </created-by>
			<updated-by> ... </updated-by>
		<warehouse> ... </warehouse>
		<warehouse-location> ... </warehouse-location>

Update a fulfillment plan

POST to https://{your_instance_name}/api/pick_lists/update_fulfillments.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<id type="integer">999</id>