Contract Import


Note: You must have a Contract Lifecycle Management module to bulk import contracts with attachments.

The Contracts Import process read files from the ./Incoming/Contracts in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Contracts before being processed in alphanumeric order.


Contracts can be created with a Published status through CSV even when CLMS/CLMA modules are disabled.

Previously, this was supported only through API.

Unique Keys

  • Contract Name
  • Contract #
  • Status
  • Supplier Number or Supplier Name


Once a contract is published you can only change the status to inactive. It cannot be changed to draft status. You can update the supplier name and supplier number of a contract using the Contract number when the contract is in draft status. You cannot do this when the contract is in published status. Parent contract number must be provided for contract type Amendment.

Other validations specified in contract header columns table.

Note: Depending on which contracts licenses you have, some fields on this loader won't be applicable to you. Check out your instance's specific integration documentation to see which fields apply to your particular instance.

When to amend a contract vs change contract?

The following fields are attributes that control access to the contract but do not form part of the negotiation and act as changes to contract record. To update these attributes changes are expected to the original contract record as an update. Send record of type “Contract” or “Master” and identify the modifying contract with contract name or contract #.

  • Default On Unbacked Lines
  • Used For Buying
  • Supplier Can Invoice Directly
  • Default Account For Supplier Invoice
  • Content Groups

All other fields form the contract metadata and are editable only through an amendment. To update these changes are expected. (Included in examples)

To include attachments with your contracts import, place the CSV and attachments in a zip file, and use the attachments columns to specify the relative path (within the zip file). Do the same thing for Legal Agreement files.

Tip: Use this example file to get started.

Activate Contract Hierarchy

Handling amendments, online or through CSV import, requires the Contact Hierarchy functionality. To activate contract Hierarchy, follow these steos:

  1. Navigate to Setup > Company Information .
  2. Under System Options, find Contracts.
  3. Select Enable Contract Hierarchy.
  4. Click Save.

Contract types

Master, Amendment, Contract.

Note: Note: Leaving contract type empty defaults to Contract.