Shipping Terms API (/shipping_terms)


Verb Path Action Description
GET|POST /api/shipping_terms(/:action(/:id)) {:index=>"Query shipping terms", :create=>"Create shipping term", :show=>"Show shipping term", :update=>"Update shipping term", :destroy=>"Delete shipping term"}
POST /api/shipping_terms create Create shipping term
GET /api/shipping_terms index Query shipping terms
GET /api/shipping_terms/:id show Show shipping term
PUT /api/shipping_terms/:id update Update shipping term


Element Description Required Field? Unique? Allowable Value Api_In Field? Api_Out Field? Data Type
active A false value will inactivate the account making it no longer available to users. A true value will make it active and available to users. true yes yes boolean
code code yes yes yes yes string(255)
content-groups Content groups yes yes BusinessGroup
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
description description yes yes text
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User