Supplier Order Header Change API

Use the Supplier Order Header Change API to create and manage supplier order changes.


Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
acknowledged-at acknowledged_at yes date
approvals Approvals yes Approval
current-parallel-approvals Current parallel approvals yes Approval
attachments Attachments yes Attachment
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
currency Currency yes yes Currency
current-approval Current/Pending Approval yes Approval
department department yes Department
exported Indicates if transaction has been exported yes boolean
hide-price Hide Price from supplier. True or False yes Order Header Change
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
justification justification yes string
lines-count Number of lines in the PO Change document yes integer
lines-pending-add-count Number of lines pending addition in PO Change document yes integer
lines-pending-delete-count Number of lines pending deletion in PO Change document yes integer
milestones Milestones yes yes Procurement::Milestone
order-header-id id of the order that is being changed yes yes integer
order-line-changes Order line changes yes yes Order Line Change
payment-method payment_method yes string(255)
payment-term payment terms yes yes Payment Term
pcard pcard yes yes Pcard
pending-cancel Is the PO pending cancellation. True or False yes boolean
po-number PO Number yes string(20)
price-hidden Hide Price from supplier. True or False yes boolean
reason-insight-event Reason Insight Event yes yes Reason Insight Event
recurring-rules Recurring rules yes Procurement::Recurring Rule
reject-reason Reject reason yes Comment
requester Requesting Account's login yes User
requisition-header-id requisition_header_id yes integer
ship-to-address Ship to address yes yes Address
ship-to-attention Attention user for the PO yes string(255)
ship-to-user Ship to user yes yes User
shipping-term shipping terms yes yes Shipping Term
status PO Status yes string(255)
supplier Supplier yes yes Supplier
supplier-initiated Was this change initiated by a supplier. True or False yes boolean
supplier-site Supplier Site yes Supplier Site
total PO Change document total yes decimal(32,4)
transmission-emails Tranmission Email comma seperated list yes yes text
transmission-method-override Transmission Method Override supplier_default, email, do_not_transmit yes yes string(30)
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
version PO Supplier Version Number - Increase each time a PO is changed and triggers a resend to the supplier. yes integer