Remit-To Addresses API (/suppliers/addresses)

Use the remit to address API to create, update, or query addresses. This address will be used in send payment to suppliers.

The URL to access remit-to addresses is: https://<instance>/api/suppliers/<supplierid>/addresses

See Integration Best Practices for more info.


The Remit-To Addresses API allows you to:

Verb Path Action Description
POST /api/invoices/:invoice_id/remit_to_addresses create Create remit to address
POST /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses create Create remit to address
DELETE /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/remit_to_addresses/:id destroy Delete remit to address
DELETE /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses/:id destroy Delete remit to address
GET /api/invoices/:invoice_id/remit_to_addresses index Query remit to addresss
GET /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses index Query remit to addresss
GET /api/invoices/:invoice_id/remit_to_addresses/:id show Show remit to address
GET /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses/:id show Show remit to address
PUT /api/invoices/:invoice_id/remit_to_addresses/:id update Update remit to address
PATCH /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses/:id update Update remit to address
PUT /api/suppliers/:supplier_id/addresses/:id update Update remit to address


The following elements are available for the Remit-To Addresses API:

Element Description Required Field? Unique? Allowable Value Api_In Field? Api_Out Field? Data Type
active Is the item given for this supplier & contract active? and if NOT then DELETE yes yes boolean
city City Name yes yes yes string(255)
country ISO Country Code yes yes yes Country
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
external-src-name Name of the source system. yes yes string(255)
external-src-ref Reference number from source system. yes yes string(255)
id Coupa Internal Address ID yes integer
local-tax-number local_tax_number yes yes yes string
name Address 'Nickname' yes yes string
postal-code Postal Code yes yes yes string(255)
remit-to-code Remit To Code (if a Supplier address) yes yes yes yes string
state State Abbreviation. This field accepts any value. You can navigate to /addresses in your instance to see a list of states/regions associated with each country. Any yes yes string(255)
street1 Address Line 1 yes yes yes string(255)
street2 Address Line 2 yes yes string(255)
street3 Address Line 3 yes yes string(255)
street4 Address Line 4 yes yes string(255)
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User
vat-country vat_country yes yes Country
vat-number vat_number yes yes string(255)
order_header_confirmations Order Header Confirmation state_iso_code yes OrderHeaderConfirmation

  • You can create a remit-to address in active and inactive status. If you don't send a value for the active flag, the system doesn't assign any status.
  • The supplier and country must already exist in the system.