Item Import


The Items Import process read files from ./Incoming/Items/ in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at./Incoming/Archive/Items/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

Note: If you're a newly-implementing customer on R23.3 or newer, the loader includes Improved Item and Catalog Loaders for more info.

Unique Keys

  • Item ID
  • Item Number
  • Item Name

Supplier Item uniqueness is based on a combination of Supplier, Supplier Part Num, and Contract.


You can use the SFTP loader to update:

  • Item Name using Item Number.
  • Item Number using the Item Name.
  • Item Name and Item Number by including both Supplier and Supplier Part Num.

For supplier items, depending on the Item loader you use, we do a lookup based on:

  • Item Number or Name plus Supplier (Standard or Background loader through the UI) or Item Number (Standard loader).

Note: You cannot update Contract Number or Supplier Part Num on a supplier item.

Item finder logic

Catalog Items are found with the following query terms, in the following order. If a match is found, that item is returned and Coupa stops searching.

  • Item Number can only match on one item.
  • Manufacturer Name and Manufacturer Part Number return the first created matched item.
  • Supplier Part Number and Supplier Aux Part Number (and Contract if present) return the last updated matched item.
  • Catalog Item Name returns last updated matched item.

If Supplier Part Number and/or Supplier Aux Part Number are provided, Coupa first searches for an item with attached Supplier Item that matches the provided attributes. This is necessary in cases where the instance is configured with multiple Items with the same Item Name, but different associated Supplier Item. If no match is found with a joined query, a query with only item details are used as a fallback.

Supplier Part Number (and Supplier Aux Part Number) default to the requisition or order line if provided in CSV. If the Supplier Item exists, Supplier Part Number (and Supplier Aux Part Number) default from the Supplier Item. Supplier Part Number (and Supplier Aux Part Number) in CSV are used to try to find a supplier item.

Note: For Supplier Item custom fields, add the prefix Supplier Item before custom field name in the CSV file.


  • Custom field name: Warehouse
  • Field name in CSV file: Supplier Item Warehouse


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Name Yes No string(255) Item Short Name
Description Yes No text Full Item Description
UOM code No No A valid UOM code that has already been configured in Coupa
Purchasable No No If the item is currently purchasable or not
active No No boolean Existing supplier items will be destroyed if set to No
Purchasing Questionnaire No No Purchasing Questionnaire Name that has already been configured in Coupa
RFQ Questionnaire No No Request for Quote Questionnaire Name that has already been configured in Coupa
Receiving Questionnaire No No Receiving Questionnaire Name that has already been configured in Coupa
Item Number No Yes string(255) Item Identification Number
Item Classification No No Item Classification Name that has already been configured in Coupa
Image Url No No string A valid and publically accessible URL where a product image can be downloaded from
Image Filename No No relative path to image filename included in uploaded zipfile
Commodity No No Commodity Name for the item
Tags No No Item Tags. Separate tags with spaces. For tags with more than one word, surround the tag in double quotations.
Supplier No No Supplier Name. Must Exist in Coupa
Supplier Number No No Supplier Number. Must Exist in Coupa
Preferred No No If the Supplier is a preferred supplier
Contract Number No No Contract Number. Must exist in coupa
Pricing Type No No How the Inventory Valuation should be calculated (Fixed Price, Inventory)
Price No No Item price for supplier
Currency No No Item price currency. Must exist and be active in Coupa.
Supplier Part Num No No Supplier Part Numer
Supplier Aux Part Num No No Supplier Auxiliary Part Number
Lead Time No No Items Lead Time in Days
Manufacturer No No Manufacturer name
Savings % No No Savings %
Minimum Order Quantity No No Supplier Minimum Order Quantity
Order Increment No No Supplier Order Increment
Availability No No Availability
Availability Date No No Availability Date
Require Inspection No No boolean Does the item require inspection to be received?
Require Asset Tag No No boolean Does the item require an Asset Tag to be received?
Require RFID No No Does the item require an RFID?
Storage Quantity No No integer Quantity in which to hold items in inventory
Storage UOM No No UOM in which to hold items in inventory
Consumption Quantity No No integer Quantity in which to consume items
Consumption UOM No No UOM in which to consume items
Use Pack Weight No No boolean Has the item calculate with the Pack Weight instead of item weight
Pack Quantity Yes No decimal(30,6) Quanitity of items in a pack
Pack Weight Yes No decimal(30,6) The weight of one pack
Pack Weight UOM No No The UOM for a Pack
Receive Catch Weight No No boolean Forces the item to be received as catch weight
UNSPSC Code No No United Nations Standard Products and Services Code
Contract Term No No The Contract Term by which the pricing tier is decided. Created beforehand in Coupa
Allow Partial Qty No No boolean If this item allows for partial quantities
Require Barcode No No Does the item require a barcode?
Inventory Lot Tracking Enabled No No boolean Allow item to suport lot tracking information
Inventory Lot Expiration Type No No string Set expiration type for item
Manufacturer Name Yes No string(255) Manufacturer name for unique identification of item with manufacturer part number
Manufacturer Part Number No Yes string(255) Manufacturer part number for unique identification of item with manufacturer name
Coupa Internal Number No No Coupa Internal Number for unique identification of an item
Coupa Supplier Internal Number No No Coupa Supplier Internal Number for unique identification of a supplier item
Catalog No No Catalog name to look for supplier items with this catalog
Sustainability No No Sustainability
Sustainability URL No No Sustainability URL
Link 0 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 0 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Link 1 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 1 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Link 2 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 2 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Link 3 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 3 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Link 4 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 4 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Link 5 Title No No If adding URL Links, This is the Title of the Link
Link 5 URL No No If adding URL Links, This is the URL of the Link
Image 0 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Image 1 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Image 2 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Image 3 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Image 4 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Image 5 Url No No If adding images, This is a valid and publically accessible URL for an image
Price (Tier 1) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 2) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 3) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 4) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 5) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 6) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 7) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 8) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 9) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 10) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 11) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 12) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 13) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 14) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 15) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 16) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 17) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 18) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 19) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased
Price (Tier 20) No No Price at different contract spend tiers. Typically goes down as more items are purchased

Item History

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Action No No Action For History
Created By No No Created By
Created At No No Created At
Item No No Item
Item Name No No Item Name
Item Uom No No Item Uom
Item Image No No Item Image
Item Item Number No No Item Item Number
Item Reorder Point No No Item Reorder Point
Item Require Inspection No No Item Require Inspection
Item Require Asset Tag No No Item Require Asset Tag
Item Require Rfid No No Item Require Rfid
Item Require Barcode No No Item Require Barcode
Item Allow Partial Quantity No No Item Allow Partial Quantity
Item Receiving form No No Item Receiving form
Item Commodity No No Item Commodity
Item Product Reviews Count No No Item Product Reviews Count
Item Avg rating No No Item Avg rating
Item Created By No No Item Created By
Item Created At No No Item Created At
Item Updated By No No Item Updated By
Item Updated At No No Item Updated At
Item Description No No Item Description
Item Active No No Item Active
Item Image File Name No No Item Image File Name
Item Image Content Type No No Item Image Content Type
Item Image File Size No No Item Image File Size
Item Custom Field 1 No No Item Custom Field 1
Item Custom Field 2 No No Item Custom Field 2
Item Custom Field 3 No No Item Custom Field 3
Item Custom Field 4 No No Item Custom Field 4
Item Custom Field 5 No No Item Custom Field 5
Item Custom Field 6 No No Item Custom Field 6
Item Custom Field 7 No No Item Custom Field 7
Item Custom Field 8 No No Item Custom Field 8
Item Custom Field 9 No No Item Custom Field 9
Item Custom Field 10 No No Item Custom Field 10
Item Connect Item No No Item Connect Item
Item Imported From Connect No No Item Imported From Connect
Item Custom Field 11 No No Item Custom Field 11
Item Custom Field 12 No No Item Custom Field 12
Item Custom Field 13 No No Item Custom Field 13
Item Custom Field 14 No No Item Custom Field 14
Item Custom Field 15 No No Item Custom Field 15
Item Custom Field 16 No No Item Custom Field 16
Item Custom Field 17 No No Item Custom Field 17
Item Custom Field 18 No No Item Custom Field 18
Item Custom Field 19 No No Item Custom Field 19
Item Custom Field 20 No No Item Custom Field 20
Item Catalog No No Item Catalog
Item Type No No Item Type
Item Original Item No No Item Original Item
Item Form No No Item Form
Item Other Fields Changed Count No No Item Other Fields Changed Count
Supplier Item No No Supplier Item
Supplier Item Supplier No No Supplier Item Supplier
Supplier Item Contract No No Supplier Item Contract
Supplier Item Price No No Supplier Item Price
Supplier Item Currency No No Supplier Item Currency
Supplier Item Part Num No No Supplier Item Part Num
Supplier Item Supplier Aux Part Num No No Supplier Item Supplier Aux Part Num
Supplier Item Lead time No No Supplier Item Lead time
Supplier Item Preferred Flag No No Supplier Item Preferred Flag
Supplier Item Manufacturer No No Supplier Item Manufacturer
Supplier Item Created By No No Supplier Item Created By
Supplier Item Created At No No Supplier Item Created At
Supplier Item Updated By No No Supplier Item Updated By
Supplier Item Updated At No No Supplier Item Updated At
Supplier Item Reporting Price No No Supplier Item Reporting Price
Supplier Item Connect Supplier Item No No Supplier Item Connect Supplier Item
Supplier Item Catalog No No Supplier Item Catalog
Supplier Item Price Change No No Supplier Item Price Change
Supplier Item Savings Pct No No Supplier Item Savings Pct
Supplier Item Contract Term No No Supplier Item Contract Term
Supplier Item Price Tier 1 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 1
Supplier Item Price Tier 2 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 2
Supplier Item Price Tier 3 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 3
Supplier Item Price Tier 4 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 4
Supplier Item Price Tier 5 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 5
Supplier Item Price Tier 6 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 6
Supplier Item Price Tier 7 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 7
Supplier Item Price Tier 8 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 8
Supplier Item Price Tier 9 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 9
Supplier Item Price Tier 10 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 10
Supplier Item Price Tier 11 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 11
Supplier Item Price Tier 12 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 12
Supplier Item Price Tier 13 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 13
Supplier Item Price Tier 14 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 14
Supplier Item Price Tier 15 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 15
Supplier Item Price Tier 16 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 16
Supplier Item Price Tier 17 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 17
Supplier Item Price Tier 18 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 18
Supplier Item Price Tier 19 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 19
Supplier Item Price Tier 20 No No Supplier Item Price Tier 20
Supplier Item Item Update No No Supplier Item Item Update
Rich Body Text No No Rich Body Text

Item Translation

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Item Number Yes No Item number of the item for this translation
Locale Yes Yes string(255) Locale for this translation
Name No No string(255) Translated Item name
Description No No text Translated Item description