• Last edited on: 08 April 2020

Using the Flat File Format

Learn about our flat file format and the conventions to we use.


Coupa's Common Flat File templates are designed to import many records from a single file sent to Coupa, not designed to process a high volume of files containing a single record each. For integrations where a single record needs to be processed at a time, the Coupa API provides a RESTful interface to facilitate this type of workflow.

Coupa requires deltas files, or files containing only records which have been created, changed or require updating since the last time the integration was run. Higher volume, non-delta data loads may require treatment as a custom integration. Please discuss this requirement with your Coupa Implementation Manager to determine if additional time or cost may be required.

With Coupa releases, as we introduce new objects or new attributes it is possible that we will add new fields to our flat file formats. Hence it is recommended that you take this into consideration while designing the integration routines on your side to consume the Coupa Flat Files.

CSV Conventions

Our integration CSV files use the following conventions taken from RFC 4180.

  • The delimiter is a comma: ,
  • All fields are always text qualified (enclosed) with the double quote character: "
  • Double quote characters within a field are escaped by another double quote character.  If a user enters: Status is "Green" in a comment field, this would be represented as "Status is ""Green"""
  • New Line characters may be allowed within qualified field values.
  • Avoid using commas, colons (:) and hyphens (- dashes) in Approval Group names, Approver names, and Custom Fields prompt names. 

Text-Encoding: UTF-8 (with No Byte Order Marker (BOM))

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