Address API (/addresses)

Use the address API to query, create, or update personal or supplier remit-to address information.

The URL to access addresses is: https://<instance>/api/addresses

  • Use this URL to query personal address information:
    https://<instance url>/api/users/<user ID>/addresses
  • Use this URL to query supplier remit-to address information:
    https://<instance url>/api/suppliers/<user ID>/addresses

See Integration Best Practices for more info.


The Addresses API allows you to:

Verb Path Action Description
POST /api/addresses create Create address
GET /api/addresses index Query addresses
GET /api/addresses/:id show Show address
PUT /api/addresses/:id update Update address


The following elements are available for the Addresses API:

Element Description Required Field? Unique? Allowable Value Api_In Field? Api_Out Field? Data Type
active A no value will make the address inactive making it no longer available to users. A yes value will make it active and available to users. yes yes boolean
attention Address Default Attention Line yes yes string(255)
business-group-name Content Group Name for Address yes yes string(255)
city City Name yes yes yes string(255)
content-groups Content groups. yes yes ContentGroup
country country yes yes yes Country
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
id Coupa's unique identifier for the address yes integer
local-tax-number local_tax_number yes yes yes string(255)
location-code location_code yes yes yes string(255)
name Address 'Nickname' yes yes string(255)
postal-code Postal Code yes yes yes string(255)
purposes Purposes for Multiple Contacts and Addresses for Suppliers yes yes Purpose
state State Abbreviation See note below this table to download a list of allowable values. yes yes string(255)

ISO Code for the State


In 36.1, the allowable syntax for field values changed to the format: CC-SSS, where CC represents the two-character country code and SSS represents the one-to-three-character alpha-numeric subdivision code. For example, US-CA. See note below this table to download a list of allowable values.

See note below this table to download a list of allowable values. yes yes string(255)
street1 Address Line 1 yes yes yes
street2 Address Line 2 yes yes string(255)
street3 Address Line 3 yes yes string(255)
street4 Address Line 4 yes yes string(255)
tax-registrations Tax registrations yes Tax Registration
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User
vat-country vat_country yes yes Country
vat-number vat_number yes yes string(255)
external-src-ref External Source Reference yes string(255)
external-src-name External Source Name yes string(255)

  • Starting with the May 2023 release, state ISO codes and names have changed. To see a complete list of the changes and allowable values, download the Subdivision Code Changes Excel file.
  • The reference object Country and the respective country name, code or ID must already exist in the system.
  • If the address is deactivated or inactive, the address record and its attributes cannot be updated using the API.