Coupa Pay Charges Export

Export of these records is included as a Standard CSV Export.

CoupaPay Charges export can includes rows of types: Charge, ChargeAllocation, and ChargeTaxLine. The value of type in the first position determines what table of fields applies for that row.

Before publishing an integration format table you can rename most any field and reorder the fields, but it is probably best if you leave the type field in the first position because the value of type determines the structure for the row data that follows.

Exportable type is charge.


Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
type Describes the type of row. Possible values are Statement, Charge, ChargeAllocation, or ChargeTaxLine. No/No
id Coupa internal ID for the charge integer No/No
coupa-pay-statement-id Coupa Pay internal ID for the statement integer No/No
statement-external-ref-id A statement ID or Reference from the payment partner No/No
statement-name The name of the statement No/No
coupa-pay-id Coupa Pay's Internal ID for the Statement integer No/No
external-ref-id A charge ID or Reference from the payment partner string(255) Yes/No
charge-date Date of the charge datetime Yes/No
posting-date Date the charge posted to the card's bank datetime No/No
virtual-card-name Name of the Virtual Card No/No
virtual-card-coupa-pay-id Coupa Pay internal ID of the virtual card No/No
virtual-card-external-ref-id A card ID or Reference from the payment partner No/No
virtual-card-type Type of the virtual card No/No
virtual-card-order-header-po-number PO number on the associated order header No/No
virtual-card-po-id Coupa internal ID of the associated order header No/No
virtual-card-document-type The type of transactional document the card is associated with No/No
virtual-card-document-id The ID of the transactional document the card is associated with No/No
amount The amount in the credit card currency that was charged decimal(30,6) No/No
currency The currency the card card is issued in Yes/No
merchant-amount The amount the merchant charged in the transaction decimal(30,6) No/No
merchant-currency The currency the merchant used in the transaction No/No
mcc Merchant Category Code string(255) No/No
supplier-name The name from Coupa's supplier record for the supplier that charged the card No/No
supplier-number The number from Coupa's supplier record for the supplier that charged the card No/No
merchant-reference The description provided by the credit card processor of who charged the card string(255) No/No
tax-amount The tax amount charged in the transaction decimal(30,6) No/No
tax-currency The currency for the tax No/No
accounting-total Amount of charge in Chart Of Accounts Accounting Currency decimal No/No
accounting-currency Currency Code for Accounting Total No/No
issuer-bank-name The name from Coupa's supplier record for the bank that issued the card No/No
issuer-bank-number The number from Coupa's supplier record for the bank that issued the card No/No
issuer-reconciliation-id The charge reference as provided by the issuer bank string(255) No/No
legal-entity-name Legal Entity name No/No

Charge Allocation

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
type Describes the type of row. Possible values are Statement, Charge, ChargeAllocation, or ChargeTaxLine. No/No
id Coupa internal ID for the charge allocation integer No/No
statement-id Coupa Pay internal ID for the associated Statement No/No
statement-external-ref-id A statement ID or Reference from the payment partner No/No
statement-name The name of the statement No/No
charge-id The unique identifier Coupa assigns to the charge. integer No/No
charge-coupa-pay-id Coupa Pay internal ID of the charge No/No
charge-external-ref-id external ref id of the charge No/No
period-name Name of the period No/No
amount amount of the charge allocation decimal(30,6) No/No
currency currency of the charge allocation Yes/No
pct the percentage of the total charge amount decimal(16,10) Yes/No
account-name The name of the account associated to the charge allocation No/No
account-code The code of the account associated to the charge allocation No/No
account-type-name The name of the COA associated to the charge allocation No/No

Charge Tax Line

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
type Describes the type of row. Possible values are Statement, Charge, ChargeAllocation, or ChargeTaxLine. No/No
id The unique identifier Coupa assigns to the tax line. integer No/No
charge-id The unique identifier Coupa assigns to the charge. No/No
charge-coupa-pay-id Coupa Pay internal ID of the charge. No/No
line-number The line number of the corresponding of the tax line. integer No/No
tax-amount The amount of tax calculated on the line. No/No
tax-currency The currency of tax amount on the line. No/No
tax-rate The tax rate indicated on the line. No/No
tax-code The tax rate code for the line tax rate. No/No
tax-code-country The tax rate code country for the line tax rate No/No
tax-code-description The tax rate code description for the line tax rate. No/No