Budget Lines API (/budget lines)

Use the budget line API to create and update budget lines that you have associated with your accounts.

The URL to access budget lines is: https://<instance>/api/budget lines

See Integration Best Practices for more info.

  • If submitting this API using a static Chart of Accounts-based budget period, any segment values included must be from an existing account.
  • If submitting this API using a dynamic Chart of Accounts, any segment values included must match existing account segments or lookup values. This API does not directly create the account.


The Budget Lines API allows you to:

Verb Path Action Description
PUT /api/budget_lines/:id/adjust adjust Create budget line adjustment for budget line
POST /api/budget_lines create Create budget line
GET /api/budget_lines index Query budget lines
GET /api/budget_lines/:id show Show budget line
PUT /api/budget_lines/:id update Update budget line


The following elements are available for the Budget Lines API:

Element Description Required Field? Unique? Allowable Value Api_In Field? Api_Out Field? Data Type
amount amount yes decimal
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
created-by User who created yes User
currency Currency of transaction yes yes Currency
description description yes yes string
error-on-overrun Prevent submission of requisitions that would exceed the budget yes yes boolean
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
notes notes yes yes text
overrun-calculation overrun_calculation yes yes integer
owner budget owner yes yes User
owner-is-approver Owner is approver? yes yes integer
pending_requisitions_amount Amount consumed by pending requisitions yes decimal
period This is the nickname for the budget line. Users can view and search against this field through the user interface. yes yes yes Period
remaining remaining yes decimal
remaining-budget Remaining Budget yes decimal
segment-1 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-10 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-11 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-12 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-13 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-14 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-15 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-16 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-17 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-18 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-19 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-2 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-20 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-3 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-4 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-5 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-6 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-7 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-8 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
segment-9 Optionally provide each segment individually.This is required if any of segments contains the dash "-" character, which prevents the Budgeting Segment code from being split automatically yes yes string
set-amount-from-xml set_amount_from_xml yes
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
updated-by User who updated yes User

  • For large data set and performance optimization, always limit your result with some GET criteria.
  • You can use POST to create new budget lines for existing budget periods and existing account segments (that is, segment-1, segment-2, and so on). This means that you cannot create new budget periods using the API.
  • Once the budget line is created and associated with an account type (that is, a chart of accounts) and specific account, you cannot change this information.