
The Users quick integration import allows Risk Assess users to directly upload spreadsheets via the HTTPS protocol. This allows customers to perform inbound imports in an automated manner without the need for a user interface.

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Field Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
EmailAddress (*) Enter the email address of the user. Yes Yes String(256)

Uses regular expressions:

Default: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(\w{2,7})$ Used when http context doen't exist

Filtering on top level domains: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(TOPLEVELDOMAINLIST)$ Used for a logged in user

*Note: regex can be chaned per client via a localization change request.

AND Can't contain ..

AND Can't contain .@

AND Can't contain whitespace

AlternateEmail Enter the alternate email address of the user; this value sets the email address different from the username. NOTE: this field populates the Email field on the User Profile page and also the Contacts page (for suppliers). String(256)

Uses regular expressions:

Default: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(\w{2,7})$ Used when http context doen't exist

Filtering on top level domains: ^[\w.+'-]+@[\w\.-]+\.(TOPLEVELDOMAINLIST)$ Used for a logged in user

*Note: regex can be chaned per client via a localization change request.

AND Can't contain ..

AND Can't contain .@

AND Can't contain whitespace

FirstName (*) Enter the first name of the user. Yes String(64) any
Middle Enter the middle name of the user. String(64) any
LastName (*) Enter the last name of the user. Yes String(64) any
Prefix Enter the prefix. Must match an existing prefix defined under Setup Data Management. String(64) any
Title Enter the title of the user. String(64) any
Activated (*) [Yes or No] Enter Yes to activate the user. Yes Boolean Yes or No
IsSupplierUser (*) [Yes or No] Enter Yes to indicate the user is a supplier user. Yes Boolean Yes or No
ExternalSupplierReference Enter the unique reference key to link to external systems (ERP system, etc). Yes if IsSupplierUser = yes and SupplierName is empty
SupplierName Enter the name of the supplier. Must match an existing supplier. Yes if IsSupplierUser = yes and ExternalSupplierReference is empty any
IsAdministrator (*) [Yes or No] Enter Yes to indicate the user is an administrator . Yes Boolean Yes or No
Culture Enter the user language. String(64) Must match an existing setup data code for Culture setup data type. Will set either active or inactive setup codes.
TurnOffEmails [Yes or No] Enter Yes to not send custom emails. Boolean Yes or No
NoticeLinkMode Enter Default, Direct or SSO. See SSO Notice Link Mode.
DefaultDashboardView Enter Personal, Widgets, or Analytics* to set the default tab on the home page. *must be an internal user and have analytics enabled for this to work.
PersonalizationMode Enter Open, Locked or Restricted; default value is Open. See Personalization Mode/Template.
PersonalizeTemplateName Enter the template name. Must be a string no longer than 256 characters. String(255)
EnableTabQuickAccess Enter Yes to use the quick access Relationships tab. Boolean Yes or No
BusinessPhone Enter the business phone number. 10 digits, US format. String(10)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

MobilePhone Enter the mobile phone number. 10 digits, US format. String(10)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

FaxNumber Enter the fax number. 10 digits, US format. String(10)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

HomePhone Enter the home phone number. Format? US vs International? String(10)

Uses regular expressions:

must match ^(?:\(?\+?[0-9]*\)?)?[0-9_\- \(\)]*(?: x[0-9]{1,4})?$

must have at least 7 digits

Country Enter the setup data code or display name of the country from the MailCountry setup data type. String(64) Must match an existing setup data code for Culture setup data type. Will set either active or inactive setup codes.
Address1 Enter the first line of the user address. String(64) any
Address2 Enter the second line of the user address. String(64) any
City Enter the city of the user. String(64) any
State Enter the setup data code or display name of the state/province from either the MailState setup data type if the country column value is us or the MailProvince setup data type if the country column value is ca. String(64) any
PostalCode Enter the zip code of the user. String(64) any
County Enter the county of the user. String(64) any
UserGroup Enter the name of the user group. Must match an existing group name defined under Group Management.
SSOUsername Enter the SSO username of the user. See Single Sign On (SSO). String(1000) any
