Purchase Orders API Example Calls
Purchase Order GET Query Options
Here are more examples of how to use the purchase order API to query and get the result set you want.
This query will return all POS with PO that have not been exported out before:
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?exported=false
This query will return all orders created after January 1, 2011, 12:00:00
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?created-at[gt]=2011-01-01T12:00:00
This query will return all non-exported POs that were created after January 1, 2011
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?exported=false&created_at[gt]=2011-01-1
This query will return all non-exported POs for supplier ABS Services 1:
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?exported=false&supplier[name]=ABS Services 1
This query will return all suppliers whose PO method is set to cXML and where the buyer domain value contains the word "domain":
https://<instance url>/api/suppliers?po-method=cxml&cxml-domain[contains]=domain
This query will return all suppliers who are allowed cXML invoicing and where the cXML invoice setup of the supplier domain value contains the word "supplier":
This query will return all suppliers whose primary contact email contains the value "coupa.com" and the supplier address where the city is Charleston:
https://<instance url>/api/suppliers?primary-contact[email][contains]=coupa.com&primary-address[city]=Charleston
This query will return all suppliers who has at least 5 user reviews in the system.
https://<instance url>/api/suppliers?reviews-count[gt]=5
This query will return all PO's with payment method as 'pcard' and status not equals to closed
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?payment_method=pcard&status[not_eq]=closed
GET Purchase Order
In this example, we queried for a single purchase order record number 2400
We did a GET to the URL:
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders/2400
https://<instance url>/api/purchase_orders?id=2400
Here is the response matching the search criteria:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<order-headers type="array">
<acknowledged-flag type="boolean">false</acknowledged-flag>
<created-at type="datetime">2010-12-21T12:08:43-08:00</created-at>
<id type="integer">2400</id>
<updated-at type="datetime">2010-12-21T14:16:03-08:00</updated-at>
<version type="integer">1</version>
<exported type="boolean">false</exported>
<attachment type="integer" />
<received type="boolean" />
<custom-field-2 type="string" />
<buyer type="string" />
<custom-field-4 type="string" />
<date type="datetime" />
<project2 type="string">DBA1</project2>
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<id type="integer">1902</id>
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<attention />
<city>Redwood City</city>
<id type="integer">1</id>
<name nil="true" />
<street1>250 Sycamore Avenue</street1>
<street2 />
<id type="integer">223</id>
<name>United States</name>
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<id type="integer">2</id>
<name>ABS Services 1</name>
<id type="integer">327</id>
<name-additional nil="true" />
<name-fullname nil="true" />
<name-prefix nil="true" />
<name-suffix nil="true" />
<notes nil="true" />
<extension nil="true" />
<attention nil="true" />
<city>Palo Alto</city>
<id type="integer">385</id>
<name>ABS Services 1</name>
<street1>500 Main St</street1>
<street2 />
<id type="integer">223</id>
<name>United States</name>
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<code>Net 45</code>
<days-for-discount-payment type="integer" nil="true" />
<days-for-net-payment type="integer" nil="true" />
<discount-rate type="float" nil="true" />
<id type="integer">2</id>
<code>UPS -Ground</code>
<id type="integer">1</id>
<attachments />
<accounting-total type="decimal">500.00</accounting-total>
<created-at type="datetime">2010-12-21T12:08:43-08:00</created-at>
<description>legal services for Q4</description>
<id type="integer">1325</id>
<invoiced type="float">0.00</invoiced>
<line-num type="integer">1</line-num>
<need-by-date type="datetime">2010-12-24T00:00:00-08:00</need-by-date>
<order-header-id type="integer">2400</order-header-id>
<price type="decimal">500.00</price>
<quantity type="float" />
<received type="float">0.00</received>
<source-part-num />
<sub-line-num type="integer" />
<supp-aux-part-num />
<total type="decimal">500.00</total>
<updated-at type="datetime">2010-12-30T13:03:56-08:00</updated-at>
<version type="integer" />
<options type="string" />
<family type="string" />
<family1 type="string" />
<test-date type="datetime" />
<tax-id type="string" />
<custom-field-2 type="boolean" />
<custom-field-1 type="boolean" />
<buyer type="string" />
<dept type="string" />
<active type="boolean">true</active>
<id type="integer">26</id>
<name>USA -Marketing, Assets</name>
<segment-10 nil="true" />
<segment-11 nil="true" />
<segment-12 nil="true" />
<segment-13 nil="true" />
<segment-14 nil="true" />
<segment-15 nil="true" />
<segment-16 nil="true" />
<segment-17 nil="true" />
<segment-18 nil="true" />
<segment-19 nil="true" />
<segment-20 nil="true" />
<segment-4 nil="true" />
<segment-5 nil="true" />
<segment-6 nil="true" />
<segment-7 nil="true" />
<segment-8 nil="true" />
<segment-9 nil="true" />
<id type="integer">2</id>
<name>Chart of Accounts</name>
<id type="integer">1</id>
<id type="integer">1</id>
<active type="boolean">true</active>
<created-at type="datetime">2007-11-26T16:03:18Z</created-at>
<id type="integer">2</id>
<name>Office Supplies</name>
<updated-at type="datetime">2009-10-08T23:45:03Z</updated-at>
<id type="integer">33</id>
<id type="integer">33</id>
<category type="string" />
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<id type="integer">2</id>
<name>ABS Services 1</name>
<id type="integer">327</id>
<name-additional nil="true" />
<name-fullname nil="true" />
<name-prefix nil="true" />
<name-suffix nil="true" />
<notes nil="true" />
<extension nil="true" />
<attention nil="true" />
<city>Palo Alto</city>
<id type="integer">385</id>
<name>ABS Services 1</name>
<street1>500 Main St</street1>
<street2 />
<id type="integer">223</id>
<name>United States</name>
<employee-number />
<id type="integer">1</id>
<asset-tags />
<attachments />
Purchase Order PUT (Update)
Our Purchase Order API allows you to update header customer fields or close or cancel PO of an existing Purchase Order in Coupa. It also supports adding, deleting, and updating Line records.
This is the URL you can PUT this information to: https://<instance
url>/api/purchase_orders/<order id>
Successful requests will return HTTP 200 OK. The body of the response
will include the invoice that was just updated.
Unsuccessful requests will return HTTP 400 Bad Request. The body of the response will include validation errors formatted as XML.
This API Allows you to take the following Actions:
Close or Cancel PO
A PO can attempt to be changed to cancelled by making a PUT request to the PO with the following request.
Cancel PO
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Similarly, a PO can attempt to be changed to closed by making a PUT request to the PO with the following request.
Close PO
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Both actions will follow all validations, as if the request was made through by a user through the website. Any errors will be returned in the Response Body.
Add a PO Line
A PO Line can be added to an existing PO by a request similar to the following:
Add PO Line
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Line description of the new item</description>
<name>US Chart Of Accounts</name>
If the line passes all validations, the PO version will be incremented and, if configured, the supplier will automatically receive the new version of the PO.
Edit a PO Line
You can edit an existing PO Line by including the line ID number in the order-line element.
Edit Existing PO Line
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<description>Update Description of Item</description>
<name>US Chart Of Accounts</name>
<some-custom-field>Update Custom field value</some-custom-field>
Depending on the changes made, a new version of the PO may be created and sent to the supplier. Some of these changes include changing the quantity ordered, unit price, or item. Other changes may not trigger a resend to the supplier, such as changes to the account.
Delete a PO Line
You can delete an existing PO line by passing in both the line ID to delete and the delete request to the order-line element.
Delete PO Line
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This change would trigger a new PO version to be created and the PO to be resent.
Adding a new Line to an existing PO
Adding a new PO line with accounting. When adding a new line with Account info, it is recommended to send the account code value and the individual segments especially when the segments have special chars in the values.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<segment-3 />
<name>01080001 51236000 BUILDING & C</name>