• Last edited on: 28 May 2019

Expense Reports Export

Coupa's expense report flat file integration object contains header columns, line columns, and line allocation columns.


The expense report export process from Coupa queries for all approved Expense Reports that have NOT been exported. The frequency of the integration run is once every hour. The generated files will be placed into ./Outgoing/ExpenseReports. Once the files are successfully placed into the sFTP folder the expense reports will be marked as exported.

Export of these records is included as a Standard CSV Export.

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
RecordType Describes the type of row. Possible values are Header, Line, or Line Split. FALSE FALSE string Header, Line, or Line Split.
ID Coupa Generated Document ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Created-At When the expense report was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. FALSE FALSE datetime any
Updated-At When the expense report was last updated in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Title The title of the expense report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Status The current status of the expense report. Possible values are: draft, working, pending_approval, pending_info, approved, accounting_review, approved_for_payment, scheduled_for_payment, paid FALSE FALSE string(255) draft, working, pending_approval, pending_info, approved, accounting_review, approved_for_payment, scheduled_for_payment, paid
Submitted-at When the expense report was submitted for approval in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ. FALSE FALSE datetime any
auditor-note Auditor comments on the expense report. FALSE FALSE text(2^24) any
Rejection-Reason The reason why the expense report was rejected. FALSE FALSE text(2^24) any
Paid Flag to indicate if the expense report has been paid. True or False. FALSE FALSE boolean any
total The total amount of the expense report in the transaction currency. FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
audit-score The audit-score Coupa assigns to the expense report. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,2) any
currency The currency of the transaction. FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Expensed-By_email The email address of the user to be reimbursed. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Expensed-By_employee_number The employee number of the user to be reimbursed. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Expensed-By_id The Coupa User ID of the user to be reimbursed. FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Expensed-By_login The username of the user to be reimbursed. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Expensed-By_Fullname The full name of the user to be reimbursed. FALSE FALSE string(81) any
Created-By_email The email address of the user who created the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Created-By_employee_number The employee number of the user who created the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Created-By_id The Coupa User ID of the user who created the report. FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Created-By_login The username of the user who created the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Created-By_Fullname,_Firstname The full name of the user who created the report. FALSE FALSE string(81) any
Updated-By_email The email address of the user who last updated the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Updated-By_employee_number The employee number of the user who last updated the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Updated-By_id The Coupa User ID of the user who last updated the report. FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Updated-By_login The username of the user who last updated the report. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Updated-By_Fullname The full name of the user who last updated the report. FALSE FALSE string(81) any
Event_-_ID The list of the event IDs. FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Event_-_Status The list of the event statuses FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Created_at The list of event created dates in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Event_-_Updated_at The list of event updated dates in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Event_-_Created-By_email List of Email of user creating report event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Created-By_employee_number List of Employee Number of user creating event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Created-By_id List of Internal Coupa User ID creating event FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Event_-_Created-By_login List of Login of user creating event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Created-By_Fullname List of Employee Name of user creating event FALSE FALSE string(81) any
Event_-_Updated-By_email List of Email of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Updated-By_employee_number List of Employee Number of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-_Updated-By_id List of Internal Coupa User ID who last updated event FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Event_-_Updated-By_login List of Login of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Event_-By_Fullname List of Employee Name of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(81) any
Approval_Created-AT List of Approval Created-At Dates in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Approval_Updated-At List of Approval Updated-At Dates in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Position Approval Order FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
approval-chain-id Approval Chain ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Approval_status Approval Status FALSE FALSE string(50) any
approval-date Approval Date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ FALSE FALSE datetime any
Approval_Notes Approval Notes FALSE FALSE string(text-2^16) any
Approval_Type Type of Approval Hierarchy FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Approvable_Type Type of Approvable FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Approvable_ID ID of Approvable FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Approver_-_Updated-By_email List of Email of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Approver_-_Updated-By_employee_number List of Employee Number of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Approver_-_Updated-By_id List of Internal Coupa User ID who last updated event FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Approver_-_Updated-By_login List of Login of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Approver_Updated-By_Fullname List of Employee Name of user who last updated event FALSE FALSE string(81) any
custom-field-1 Integration Custom Field 1 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-2 Integration Custom Field 2 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-3 Integration Custom Field 3 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-4 Integration Custom Field 4 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-5 Integration Custom Field 5 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-6 Integration Custom Field 6 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-7 Integration Custom Field 7 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-8 Integration Custom Field 8 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-9 Integration Custom Field 9 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-10 Integration Custom Field 10 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Reimbursable-Total Total amount reimbursable to the employee. FALSE FALSE decimal any
Reimbursable-Total-Currency The currency code of the reimbursable amount. FALSE FALSE any
Payment Channel The payment channel used to reimburse the employee. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
ERP Document ID Expense document id on ERP side. FALSE FALSE any
ERP Document Status Expense document status on ERP side. FALSE FALSE any

Expense report line columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
RecordType Describes the type of row. Possible values are Header, Line, or Line Split. FALSE FALSE string Header, Line, or Line Split.
ID Coupa's Expense Report ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Line-ID Coupa's Expense Report Line ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Line-Number Line Number FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
PO-Order-Line-ID If pre approved, Coupa Order Line ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Created-at Time of Record Creation in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. FALSE FALSE datetime any
Updated-At Time Record was last updated in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. FALSE FALSE datetime any
Description Description of Expense Report Line Item TRUE FALSE string(1550) any
Merchant Merchant on line FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Reason Reason for Expense FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Transaction-Amount The amount paid when the transaction was made. FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Transaction-Currency The currency that the transaction was made in. FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Amount Amount in user's default currency FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Currency User's default currency FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Account-Total Total of Amount in Chart of Accounts Currency FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Accounting-Currency Currency Code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Expense-Date Expense Report Date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. TRUE FALSE datetime any
Expense-Category-Name Expense Category Name FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Account-Code Account Code FALSE FALSE string(1024) any
Account-Segment-1 Account Segment 1 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-2 Account Segment 2 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-3 Account Segment 3 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-4 Account Segment 4 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-5 Account Segment 5 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-6 Account Segment 6 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-7 Account Segment 7 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-8 Account Segment 8 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-9 Account Segment 9 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-10 Account Segment 10 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-11 Account Segment 11 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-12 Account Segment 12 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-13 Account Segment 13 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-14 Account Segment 14 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-15 Account Segment 15 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-16 Account Segment 16 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-17 Account Segment 17 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-18 Account Segment 18 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-19 Account Segment 19 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account-Segment-20 Account Segment 20 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Account Type Chart of Account FALSE FALSE string(50) any
Period Name Budget Period FALSE FALSE string(100) any
External Source Name The corp card template name like corporate_credit_card_amex etc. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
External Source Data The file name of the credit card file that we received from cc company. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
External Source Ref The unique transaction identifier for each credit card transaction FALSE TRUE string(255) any
Imported-Amount Imported Amount FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Account Number Credit Card Account number FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Employee Number Employee number FALSE FALSE string(255) any
First Name First Name FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Last Name Last Name. FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Parent-Expense-Line-Id ID of the expense line that was itemized FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Supplier Reference Number Supplier Reference Number FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Company Tax Id The merchant ABN number or Federal Tax ID FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Corp Card Integration Name The integration name that is used received the transaction FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Applied Expense Preapproval Id Applied Expense Preapproval Id FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
Applied Expense Preapproval Description Applied Expense Preapproval Description FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Applied Expense Preapproval Amount Applied Expense Preapproval Amount FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Applied Expense Preapproval Currency Code Applied Expense Preapproval Currency Code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Applied Expense Line Cash Advance Amount Applied Expense Line Cash Advance Amount FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
Applied Expense Line Cash Advance Currency Code Applied Expense Line Cash Advance Currency Code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
custom-field-1 Integration Custom Field 1 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-2 Integration Custom Field 2 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-3 Integration Custom Field 3 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-4 Integration Custom Field 4 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-5 Integration Custom Field 5 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-6 Integration Custom Field 6 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-7 Integration Custom Field 7 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-8 Integration Custom Field 8 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-9 Integration Custom Field 9 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-10 Integration Custom Field 10 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Reimbursable to Employee Is the Expense Line reimbursable to the employee? FALSE FALSE boolean any

Expense report line allocation columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
RecordType Describes the type of row. Possible values are Header, Line, or Line Split. FALSE FALSE string Header, Line, or Line Split.
expense-id Coupa's Expense Report ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
expense-line-id Coupa's Expense Report Line ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
line-num Line Number FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
order-header-num If pre approved, Coupa's Order Header Number FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
order-line-id If pre approved, Coupa's Order Line ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
order-line-num If pre approved, Coupa's Order Line Number FALSE FALSE string(255) any
account-allocation-id Account Allocation ID FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
account-allocation-sequence Position in the Account Allocation Sequence FALSE FALSE integer(11) any
account-allocation-amount Amount allocated to the account FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
account-allocation-percent Percentage allocated to the account FALSE FALSE decimal(16,10) any
account-code The whole account code of the account FALSE FALSE string(1024) any
account-active Flag indicating if the account is active. True or False. FALSE FALSE boolean any
segment-1 Account Segment 1 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-2 Account Segment 2 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-3 Account Segment 3 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-4 Account Segment 4 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-5 Account Segment 5 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-6 Account Segment 6 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-7 Account Segment 7 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-8 Account Segment 8 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-9 Account Segment 9 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-10 Account Segment 10 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-11 Account Segment 11 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-12 Account Segment 12 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-13 Account Segment 13 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-14 Account Segment 14 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-15 Account Segment 15 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-16 Account Segment 16 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-17 Account Segment 17 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-18 Account Segment 18 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-19 Account Segment 19 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
segment-20 Account Segment 20 FALSE FALSE string(100) any
account-name Nickname for the account FALSE FALSE string(1024) any
currency_code Currency Code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
accounting-total Total of Amount in Chart of Accounts Currency FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
accounting_currency Currency Code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
custom-field-1 Integration Custom Field 1 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-2 Integration Custom Field 2 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-3 Integration Custom Field 3 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-4 Integration Custom Field 4 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-5 Integration Custom Field 5 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-6 Integration Custom Field 6 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-7 Integration Custom Field 7 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-8 Integration Custom Field 8 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-9 Integration Custom Field 9 FALSE FALSE string(255) any
custom-field-10 Integration Custom Field 10 FALSE FALSE string(255) any

Expense report line taxes columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
RecordType Expense Line Tax FALSE FALSE any
tax-line-id Coupa's Expense Line Tax ID FALSE FALSE integer any
expense-line-id Coupa's Expense Line ID FALSE FALSE integer any
expense-line-number Expense Line Number FALSE FALSE any
expense-report-id Coupa's Expense Report ID FALSE FALSE any
tax-code The Tax Code for the invoice line tax rate. Must match an existing tax rate code within Coupa. FALSE FALSE any
tax-type-description The Tax Rate Type description on the line. FALSE FALSE any
tax-rate-description The Tax Rate description on the line. FALSE FALSE any
tax-line-currency Tax Line Currency FALSE FALSE any
country-code Country Code FALSE FALSE any
tax-rate Tax Rate FALSE FALSE decimal(8,3) any
tax-amount Tax Amount FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
estimated-tax-amount Estimated Tax Amount FALSE FALSE decimal(32,4) any
custom-field-1 Integration Custom Field 1 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-2 Integration Custom Field 2 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-3 Integration Custom Field 3 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-4 Integration Custom Field 4 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-5 Integration Custom Field 5 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-6 Integration Custom Field 6 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-7 Integration Custom Field 7 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-8 Integration Custom Field 8 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-9 Integration Custom Field 9 FALSE FALSE any
custom-field-10 Integration Custom Field 10 FALSE FALSE any


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