Contracts Export

Export of these records is included as a Standard CSV Export.


CSV exports for SFTP only include a known issue where the Expires field adds an extra day to the expiry date. This does not affect exports made using the UI.


Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values
Record Type Record Type No/No
Contract # The contract number string(50) Yes/No
Contract Name The name of the contract string(100) Yes/No
Content Groups The content groups that can view this contract No/No
Status The status of the contract string(50) Yes/No
Supplier The supplier ID assocaited with the contract integer No/No
Supplier Number Supplier Number No/No
Supplier Account # The supplier account for the contract string(255) No/No
Starts The date the contract begins datetime No/No
Expires The date the contract expires datetime No/No
Owner The currency ID associated with the contract integer No/No
Owner Login The user login that owns the contract No/No
Currency Code Currency Code No/No
Savings % The % savings created by the contract decimal(20,2) No/No
Version The version number of the contract integer No/No
Created By The user ID that created the contract No/No
Created By Login Created By Login No/No
Created Date The date the contract was created datetime No/No
Updated By The user ID that most recently updated the contract No/No
Updated By Login The user login that most recently updated the contract No/No
Updated Date The date the contract was most recently updated datetime No/No
Submitted Date The date the contract was submitted datetime No/No
Submitted By The user ID of the person that submitted the contract No/No
Submitted By Login Ther user login that submitted the approval No/No
Is Default Is this the detault (Y/N) boolean No/No
Default Account ID The default account ID for the contract integer No/No
Default Account Code The default account code for the contract No/No
Linked Projects List of Project IDs linked to this contract No/No
Linked Events List of Event IDs linked to this contract No/No

Contract Term

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values

Per Order Contract Term

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values

Price Range Contract Term

Field Name Description Field Type Required/Unique Possible Values