Users Import


The User Import process read files from the ./Incoming/Users/ in the SFTP. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Users/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

  • Associated fields like Content Groups, Account Group Names, etc. must already exist. They will not be created through the users integration (CSV or API).
  • Integrations (CSV or API) currently supports only a full default account code. If only a portion of the default account code is used as a source field, the integration can query Coupa for any account that matches the partial account with a limit of 1.


  • Id
  • Employee Number
  • Login


You can update any field if you include Id. You can update Login using Employee Number. However, you cannot update Employee Number using Login. Coupa tries to create a new record with the login, and the integration will fail.

User Authentication

Methods that don't use standard Coupa credentials need to be configured in the customer instance before they are available as choices on a user record. These are case some sample values and their associated reference field:

  • LDAP - "ldap" - The Login field is mapped to the LDAP sAMAccountName field
  • SAML - "saml" - The Sso Identifier field is mapped to the SAML NameID


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Id No No integer Unique identifier Coupa assigns when a new record is created. It can’t be modified, but can be used to update the record.
Login Yes Yes string(255) Must be at least 2 characters
Status No No Possible values are active or inactive. Inactive users cannot login.
Purchasing User No No boolean Purchasing User License?
Expense User No No boolean Expense User License?
Sourcing User No No boolean Sourcing User License?
Inventory User No No boolean Inventory User License?
Contracts User No No boolean Contracts User License?
Analytics User No No boolean Analytics User License?
AI Classification User No No boolean AI Classification User License?
Spend Guard User No No boolean Spend Guard User License?
Contingent Workforce User No No boolean Contingent Workforce User License?
Risk Assess User No No boolean Risk Assess User License?
Does the user have a Contract Lifecycle Management Advanced License? No No boolean Contract Lifecycle Management Advanced License?
Supply Chain User No No boolean Supply Chain User License?
Travel User No No boolean Travel User License?
Treasury User No No boolean Treasury User License?
Authentication Method No No string(255) Optional field to specify LDAP or SAML authentication if you have either of those enabled
Sso Identifier No No string(255) Identifier for SSO/SAML
Generate Password And Notify User No No Set to Yes if you want the system to invite the user to the system and have them set up their password
Email Yes Yes string(255) User's email address
First Name Yes No string(40) User's first name
Last Name Yes No string(40) User's last name
Employee Number No Yes string(255) User's employee number, often used for cross-referencing with the HR system
Department No No Must match department name exactly.
Phone Work No No string(255) Your user's work phone number in the format xxx-yyy-zzzz. Intl numbers must be prefaced by a + sign and the country code. +aa xxx-yyy-zzzz
Phone Mobile No No string(255) Your user contact's mobile number
Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form 1000.00 USD. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Approval Limit, Expense Approval Limit and Invoice Approval Limit.
Requisition Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position.
Expense Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position.
Invoice Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position.
Contract Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position.
Service/Time Sheets Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position.
Receipt Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Receipt Approval Limit.
Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Self Approval Limit, and Expense Self Approval Limit.
Requisition Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Self Approval Limit, and Expense Self Approval Limit.
Expense Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Self Approval Limit, and Expense Self Approval Limit.
Invoice Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Self Approval Limit, and Expense Self Approval Limit.
Contract Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Requisition Self Approval Limit, and Expense Self Approval Limit.
Receipt Self Approval Limit No No The amount and currency code of the self approval limit in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Receipt Self Approval Limit
Escalation Threshold Limit No No The amount and currency code of the escalation threshold in the form '1000.00 USD'. May also be the name of an already created approval limit or position. Setting this field will set Escalation Threshold.
Approver Login No No Your user's next approver
Default Chart of Accounts Name No No Default chart of accounts for this user.
Default Account Code No No If the user has a particular account that he or she charges most purchases to, you can enter in a default account
Default Account Code Segment-1 No No Default Account Code Segment-1
Default Account Code Segment-2 No No Default Account Code Segment-2
Default Account Code Segment-3 No No Default Account Code Segment-3
Default Account Code Segment-4 No No Default Account Code Segment-4
Default Account Code Segment-5 No No Default Account Code Segment-5
Default Account Code Segment-6 No No Default Account Code Segment-6
Default Account Code Segment-7 No No Default Account Code Segment-7
Default Account Code Segment-8 No No Default Account Code Segment-8
Default Account Code Segment-9 No No Default Account Code Segment-9
Default Account Code Segment-10 No No Default Account Code Segment-10
Default Account Code Segment-11 No No Default Account Code Segment-11
Default Account Code Segment-12 No No Default Account Code Segment-12
Default Account Code Segment-13 No No Default Account Code Segment-13
Default Account Code Segment-14 No No Default Account Code Segment-14
Default Account Code Segment-15 No No Default Account Code Segment-15
Default Account Code Segment-16 No No Default Account Code Segment-16
Default Account Code Segment-17 No No Default Account Code Segment-17
Default Account Code Segment-18 No No Default Account Code Segment-18
Default Account Code Segment-19 No No Default Account Code Segment-19
Default Account Code Segment-20 No No Default Account Code Segment-20
User Role Names No No Possible values are User, Buyer, Accounts Payable, Central Receiving, Accounting Supervisor, Edit as Approver, Inventory Manager, and/or Admin. If entering more than one, use a comma to separate. You can also pass custom role names in this element.
Default Currency No No Enter in the 3-digit currency code. If a value is not provided and the user record doesn't have a default currency already set, then the default currency is set to the instance's reporting currency.
Default Locale No No string(10) Enter in the 2 or 5 letters locale code. For example: en or en-US.
Content Groups No No Enter in content groups (for security)
Default Address Location Code No No For shipping address, enter in location code
Default Address Street 1 No No For shipping address, enter in street address line 1
Default Address Street 2 No No For shipping address, enter in street address line 2
Default Address Street 3 No No For shipping address, enter in street address line 3
Default Address Street 4 No No For shipping address, enter in street address line 4
Default Address City No No For shipping address, enter in city
Default Address State No No For shipping address, enter in state
Default Address Postal Code No No For shipping address, enter in postal code
Default Address Country Code No No For shipping address, enter in country code
Default Address Attention No No For shipping address, enter in Attention line
Default Address Name No No For shipping address, enter in address nickname
Remove Default Address No No Remove the default address for this user
Receive Coupa Emails No No Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, the person will receive updates from Coupa Service Delivery and Operations on any announcements
Limit Showing of DataTable Views No No Do now allow user to create datatable views
Account Security Type No No integer Possible values are '0' (or blank; No account-based restrictions), '1' (Restrict to the user's default Chart of Accounts) or '2' (Restrict based on account groups).
Business Group Security Type No No integer Sets the content groups for the user. Options include: 0 = No content group restrictions, 1 = Basic content plus selected content groups if content groups are specified, basic content only if no content groups are specified. 0, 1
Account Group Names No No Account groups that the user should have access to (for account-based document security)
Approval Group Names No No Approval groups that the user should belong to
Warehouses No No Warehouses
Inventory Organizations No No InventoryOrganization Inventory Organizations
Allow user to upload Invoice images from Coupa Mobile to Invoice Inbox No No boolean Allow user to upload Invoice images from Coupa Mobile to Invoice Inbox
Mention Name No Yes string(255) Mention Name
Country Of Residence Code No No User's country of residence code
Legal Entity Name No No Legal Entity Name
Seniority Level No No string(255) Seniority Level
Business Function No No string(255) Business Function
Employee Payment Channel No No string(255) Determine how expenses will be paid to the employee. 'ERP' per default and can be switched to 'CoupaPay' if instance allows it.
Allow Employee Payment Account Creation No No boolean Allow the user to create an Employee Payment Account, regardless of the Employee Payment Channel.
Groups No No UserGroup Groups
Middle Name No No string(255) User's middle name
Pcard Name No No If the user has a purchasing credit card, you can enter in the person's name on the card
Pcard Number No No Enter in the purchasing credit card's number
Pcard Expiration No No Enter in the purchasing credit card's expiration date
Projects No No Projects
Invoicing User No No boolean Invoicing User License?

List of Valid Locales

en, tr, ja, cs, es, da, de-AT, de-CH, de, en-AU, de-BE, de-LU, en-CA, en-GB, en-HK, en-IE, en-IN, en-ME, en-MT, en-MY, en-NZ, en-PH, en-ZA, es-CO, es-MX, es-PR, es-IC, fi, fr-BE, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr, hu, fr-LU, it-CH, it, ko, nl-BE, nl, no, pl, pt-BR, pt, ru, ro, sr, sv, zh-CN, zh-TW, zh-HK, en, tr, ja, cs, es, da, de-AT, de-CH, de, en-AU, en-CA, en-GB, en-IE, en-ZA, es-CO, es-MX, es-PR, fi, fr-BE, fr-CA, fr-CH, fr, hu, it-CH, it, ko, nl-BE, nl, no, pl, pt-BR, pt, ru, sv, zh-CN, zh-TW, zh-HK,