Requisitions Import


The Requisition Import process reads files from the ./Incoming/Requisitions/ in the SFTP. These files are moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Requisitions/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

Coupa can't update a requisition using flat file Integration.

Note: When specifying a ship-to address, Coupa first looks for Ship to Id and then Ship to Country Location Code. If neither field is found, then a new ship-to address is created.

Item finder logic

Coupa searches Supplier Items for Header Requestor User on an item with a matching Supplier Part Number. If nothing is found, Coupa uses the first created Supplier Item for Header Requestor User.

If your search is successful, refer to the Requisition Line Defaults for All Lines section below.

If you run into errors, refer to the Item Finder Errors section below.


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Requisition No No Field indicating record type - Header.
Record Identifier No No Record Identifier
Requisition Title No No string(50) Requisition Title
Submit For Approval? No No When true, the requisition should be immediately submitted for approval. When false, it will be left in Draft mode.
Need By Date No No datetime Need By Date
Justification No No text Requisition Justification Comments.
Department Name No No Requisition Department.
Buyer Note No No text Any comments or notes from the Buyer.
Requested By (Email) No No User email of requisition requester. Value is the 'on behalf of' user if requisition is on behalf of another user.
Requested By (Login) No No User login of requisition requester. Value is the 'on behalf of' user if requisition is on behalf of another user.
PCard Name No No PCard Name
Ship To Name No No Ship To Name
Ship To Id No No Unique ID of the address. If specified, must exist in Coupa, but no other address fields are required.
Ship To Attention No No string(255) Either the Requester or the attention linked to Address in Coupa (defaults to the requester).
Ship To Street 1 No No Ship To Street 1
Ship To Street 2 No No Ship To Street 2
Ship To Street 3 No No Ship To Street 3
Ship To Street 4 No No Ship To Street 4
Ship To City No No Ship to Address City. Provide if the address does not exist in Coupa.
Ship To State No No Ship to Address state. Provide if the address does not exist in Coupa.
Ship To Postal Code No No Ship to Address Postal code. Provide if the address does not exist in Coupa.
Ship to Country Code No No Ship to Address Country Code. Must exist in Coupa.
Ship to Country Name No No Ship to Country Name
Ship to Location Code No No If specified and exists in Coupa, no other address fields are required. If doesn't exist in Coupa, a new address is created.
Hide Price No No boolean Hide Price from supplier
External PO Reference No Yes string(255) External System ID or PO Number
Requisition Line No No Requisition Line
Line Number No No Line Number
Catalog Item Number No No Catalog Item Number
Catalog Item Name No No Catalog Item Name
Non Catalog Item Description No No Non Catalog Item Description
Supplier Part Number No No Supplier Part Number
Supplier Aux Part Number No No Supplier Aux Part Number
Quantity No No Quantity
Price No No Price
Transmission Method Override No No Transmission Method Override
Transmission Emails No No Transmission Emails
Supplier Name No No Supplier Name
Supplier Number No No Supplier Number
Supplier Site Code No No Supplier Site Code
UOM Code No No UOM Code
Commodity Name No No Commodity Name
Contract Name No No Contract Name
Currency Code No No Currency Code
Asset Tags No No Asset Tags
Chart of Account Name No No Chart of Account Name
Account Name No No Account Name
Account Code No No Account Code
Account Segment 1 No No Account Segment 1
Account Segment 2 No No Account Segment 2
Account Segment 3 No No Account Segment 3
Account Segment 4 No No Account Segment 4
Account Segment 5 No No Account Segment 5
Account Segment 6 No No Account Segment 6
Account Segment 7 No No Account Segment 7
Account Segment 8 No No Account Segment 8
Account Segment 9 No No Account Segment 9
Account Segment 10 No No Account Segment 10
Account Segment 11 No No Account Segment 11
Account Segment 12 No No Account Segment 12
Account Segment 13 No No Account Segment 13
Account Segment 14 No No Account Segment 14
Account Segment 15 No No Account Segment 15
Account Segment 16 No No Account Segment 16
Account Segment 17 No No Account Segment 17
Account Segment 18 No No Account Segment 18
Account Segment 19 No No Account Segment 19
Account Segment 20 No No Account Segment 20
Account Allocation Amount No No Account Allocation Amount
Account Allocation Percent No No Account Allocation Percent
Payment Term Code No No Payment Term Code
Shipping Term Code No No Shipping Term Code
Budget Period Name No No Budget Period Name
Manufacturer Name No No Manufacturer Name
Manufacturer Part Number No No Manufacturer Part Number
Confirm By (In Hours) No No Confirm By (In Hours)
Order Confirmation Level No No Order Confirmation Level
Account Allocation No No Account Allocation
Amount No No Amount
Percent No No Percent
Tag No No Tag
Object Number* Yes No The parent object's number, used to add a tagging to a header level object
Name* Yes No The Tag's name
Description No No Description
System Tag No No System Tag, defaults to false if not specified
Payment Agreement No No Payment Agreement
Type No No Type
Amount Type No No Amount Type
Due Date No No Due Date

Requisition Header Assignment

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Document* Yes No RequisitionHeaderID
Assignee Type* Yes No string(255) The type of asignee: User or UserGroup.
Assignee* Yes No Allowable values: login, email address, group name. For Asignee Type = User: user login or email address. For Asignee Type = UserGroup: group name.
Comment No No Comment
Action No No Action, possible values are Assign and Unassign. Default is Assign.

Requisition line columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Requisition Line Field indicating record type (Line) Yes string Requisition Line
Record Identifier Used to identify record to associate header & lines. Only used in load, not sent to Coupa. Yes string(255)
Line Number Line Number No No integer(11)
Catalog Item Number Catalog Item Number (blank if Non Catalog Item) No No string(255)
Catalog Item Name Catalog Item Name (blank if Non Catalog Item) No No string(255)
Non Catalog Item Description Item Description for Non Catalog Items No No string(255)
Supplier Part Number Supplier Part Number No No string(255)
Supplier Aux Part Number Supplier Aux Part Number No No any
Quantity Line Qty Amount (blank for Service-based line) No* No decimal(30,6)
Price Item Unit Price No No decimal(30,3)
Need By Date Item Need By Date No No datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Supplier Name Supplier Name (required unless Supplier Number is provided) Yes** No string(100)
Supplier Number Supplier Number (required unless Supplier Name is provided) Yes** No string(255)
Supplier Site Code ID of Supplier Site No No integer(11)
UOM Code Unit of Measure Code No* No string(6)
Commodity Name Commodity Name No No string(255)
Contract Name Name of Contract used for purchase No No string(100)
Currency Code Currency Code Yes No string(6) Any ISO 4217 three letter currency code
Asset Tags Not currently used No No string(255)
Chart of Account Name Chart of Accounts for Line. Although this field isn't required, you should enter something in this field. If this value is left blank, your integration may not work. No No string(50)
Account Name Account Name No No string(100)
Account Code Account Code (can be provided instead of Account Segments below) No No string(2020)
Account Segment 1..20 Account Billing Code Segment for Line No No string(100)
Account Allocation Amount Not currently used No No float
Account Allocation Percent Not currently used No No
Payment Term Code Payment Term Code No No string(255)
Shipping Term Code Shipping Term Code No No string(255)
Budget Period Name Name fo budget period No No string(255)
Manufacturer Name Manufacturer Name No No any
Manufacturer Part Number Manufacturer Part Number No No any
Service Type Service type being requested No No string Service (Amt), Service (Qty), or Resource
Start Date Service start date No No datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Due Date Service due (or end) date No No datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Manager Manager requesting the service Yes No string(50) Any
Work Confirmer Email Email of the manager performing the service Yes No string(60)

* Service based lines don't have a quantity or UOM

** Requires one of Supplier Name or Supplier Number

Requisition line defaults for all lines

Line Attribute Source Source Attribute Conditions
description Item name
line_num CSV csv_row[:line_number]
unit_price CSV csv_row[ rice] If provided
unit_price SupplierItem price If CSV value (above) is blank
contract #load_contract csv_row[:contract_number] or csv_row[:contract_name] If provided
contract SupplierItem contract If CSV value (above) is blank
source_part_num CSV csv_row[:supplier_part_number] If provided
source_part_num SupplierItem supplier_part_num If CSV value (above) is blank
supplier_aux_part_num CSV csv_row[:supplier_aux_part_number] If provided
supplier_aux_part_num SupplierItem supplier_aux_part_num If CSV value (above) is blank
unspsc_code SupplierItem unspsc_code
supplier #load_supplier Supplier Matching Name or Number & "active"
supplier_site #load_supplier_site SupplierSite Find with "Supplier Site Code" for Supplier and "Requested By" User
uom #load_uom Uom Matching "Uom Code"
commodity #load_commodity Commodity Matching Commodity Name
contract #load_contract Contract Matching Name or Number
currency #load_supplier Currency Matching "Currency Code"
shipping_term #load_shipping_term ShippingTerm Matching "Shipping Term Code"
payment_term #load_payment_term PaymentTerm Matching "Payment Term Code"
account_type #load_account_type AccountType Matching "Chart Of Account Name"
period #load_period BudgetPeriod Matching "Budget Period Name" for AccountType (above)
need_by_date CSV csv_row[:need_by_date]
transmission_method_override CSV csv_row[:transmission_method_override] If provided
transmission_method_override RequisitionLine .transmission_method_default_value If CSV value (above) is blank
transmission_emails CSV csv_row[:transmission_emails]

Additional defaults for quantity-based requisition lines

Line Attribute Source Source Attribute Conditions
minimum_order_quantity Supplier Item minimum_order_quantity
order_increment Supplier Item order_increment

Defaults for free-form requisition lines

Line Attribute Source Source Attribute Conditions
description CSV csv_row[:non_catalog_item_description]

Rate Card Line Columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Record Identifier Used to identify record to associate header & lines. Only used in load, not sent to Coupa. Yes No string(255)
Line Number Line Number No No integer(11)
Name name describing the service associated with the rate. Yes No string(255)
Code code describing the service associated with the rate. No No string(255)
Line Type

Select whether the requisition line is based on an amount, a price per quantity, or a resource (such as an hourly rate)

Note: Values must be lowercase.

Yes No amount, quantity, or resource
Price amount that estimates your total budget for the service. Yes No
UOM Unit of Measurement Yes No Depends on the line type (UOM is required for a Quanity line type)

Item finder errors

  • Supplier Name or Supplier Number cannot find a Supplier
  • Catalog and/or Manufacturer details are included in the loader input and no catalog item is found. This includes cases where there is an existing match to "Catalog..." details but with different "Manufacturer..." details.
  • The Supplier Item Required? setup key is enabled and no Supplier Item is found.
  • Supplier Item is found and the line type is Order Quantity Line and:
    • Quantity is less than the Minimum Order Quantity
    • Quantity is not a multiple of Order Increment
  • If no details are provided in loader data for "Catalog..." or "Manufacturer...", a "free-form" Requisition Line will be created and Non Catalog Item Description will be copied to the Requisition Line description. No error is returned for a blank description.
  • Service Type is set to Service (Amt), however, a Quantity is entered.
  • Service Type is set to Service (Qty), however, a Quantity or UOM is not entered (or the UOM Code entered doesn't match one of the UOM Codes configured).
  • Service Type is set to Resource, however, a Quantity is not entered, or a UOM Code is entered,
  • (attribute) has been incorrectly added to a request line that is not a Service Amount.
  • (attribute) has been added without the proper user permissions.
  • (attribute) was incorrectly added with a Unit of Measurement.
  • (attribute) was entered with an incorrect value.
  • (attribute) was added with an incorrect value that is not configured for Resource.
  • (attribute) is incorrect, Rate Card Lines are only valid for Service Amount Requests.