Lookup Import


The Lookup Values Import process read files from the ./Incoming/LookupValues/ SFTP folder. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/LookupValues/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.

Unique Keys

Here are the keys used to look up and modify existing records, listed in order of priority.

  1. External Ref Code
  2. External Ref Num
  3. Name


  • External Ref Num can only be updated using External Ref Code to identify an existing record. If you update External Ref Num, then the External Ref Code will also get updated.
  • Name can be updated using External Ref Num. Name can be used to update the anything else except External Ref Num or External Ref Code.


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Name* Yes Yes string(255) Lookup Name
description No No string(255) Description of Lookup
Active* Yes No boolean Is this Lookup Active?
Fixed Depth? No No boolean Is this a Fixed Depth Hierarchical lookup
Content Groups No No Enter in content groups (for security)
Level 1 Name No No string(255) Level 1 Name if hierarchical
Level 2 Name No No string(255) Level 2 Name if hierarchical
Level 3 Name No No string(255) Level 3 Name if hierarchical
Level 4 Name No No string(255) Level 4 Name if hierarchical
Level 5 Name No No string(255) Level 5 Name if hierarchical
Level 6 Name No No string(255) Level 6 Name if hierarchical
Level 7 Name No No string(255) Level 7 Name if hierarchical
Level 8 Name No No string(255) Level 8 Name if hierarchical
Level 9 Name No No string(255) Level 9 Name if hierarchical
Level 10 Name No No string(255) Level 10 Name if hierarchical

Lookup Value

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Name* Yes Yes string(255) Lookup Value Name. Unique per Lookup and Parent
Active No No boolean Possible values Yes or No
Lookup* Yes No Lookup Name. Must Exist in Coupa
Description No No string(255) Description of Lookup Value
External Ref Num No Yes string(255) Part of the External Ref Code. Unique per Lookup and Parent.
External Ref Code No Yes string(255) Unique code to allow selection of lookup value
Chart of Accounts No No If Lookup is used for dynamic accounting, restrict this lookup value to this single existing chart of accounts
Parent External Ref Code No No For Hierarchical Lookup Values, this sets the parent element
Default No No For Hierarchical Lookup Values, this is the Default for this level. This only applies to lookups used for dynamic accounts. It has no effect when the lookup is used for custom fields.