Treasury Original File Exports

Original File exports are a set of standard integrations for common documents already set up in Coupa. Use this format to export bank files and account statements from Coupa using sFTP without any additional setup.

Available file types

You can use these integrations to exchange original files between Coupa and third-party systems. Original File exports support these documents:

  • Original Bank Files

  • Original Account Statements

Exported files reflect the original content and structure as provided in various channels such as SWIFT and EBICS.

For more information, see Orginal File Export Types.

Integration schedule

Standard integrations run on a polling schedule. The frequency of the polling schedule can be controlled per business object.

  • Frequency: You can use a predefined set of schedules for standard integrations. Work with your integration team to define extended schedule requirements for each business object.

  • Times: If data needs to be synchronized daily, run integrations during non-peak hours to minimize the impact of additional system load produced by the integrations.

File names

Depending on the integration type, files may have different files names. Use date/time stamps to ensure that files do not override each other. Outbound files from Coupa use the following formats:

Business Object

File Name (ZIP)

File Name (Original File)

To or From COUPA

Original Bank Files


<File Name>

From Coupa

Original Account Statements



From Coupa

sFTP folder locations

The following sFTP folders are are created once an integration is exported for the first time:

  • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile

  • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/BankTransactionReports

    • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/AccountStatements

      • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/AccountStatements/EndofDay

      • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/AccountStatements/Intraday

    • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/PaymentStatusReports

    • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/BankServiceFees

    • /Outgoing/OriginalBankFile/PdfAccountStatement

  • /Outgoing/AccountStatements