Treasury Original File Export Types

You can select which original files should be exported to SFTP with various Standard Integrations. Original file exports include two types.

Bank file integrations

Bank Files are the original files received by the Bank and are not yet assigned to a legal entity or an account. You can download the files from Coupa Treasury at Banking > Bank Connectivity > Bank Files Overview .

These integrations are included in Standard:



sFTP folder

Standard Treasury End-of-Day Account Statement Bank File Export

Exports all bank files of type Account Statements (only end of day statement formats) received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Standard Treasury Intraday Account Statement Bank File Export

Exports all bank files of type Account Statements (only intraday statement formats) received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Standard Treasury Bank Transaction Report Bank File Export

Exports all bank files of type Bank Transaction Report received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Standard Treasury Payment Status Report Bank File Export

Exports all bank files of type Payment Status Report received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Standard Treasury Bank Service Fees Bank File Export

Exports all bank files of type Bank Service Fees received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Standard Treasury PDF Account Statement Bank Files Export

Exports all bank files of format PDF and File Identifier BKA received within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Account statement integrations

Accounts Statements are the original statements received by the Bank and are assigned to a legal entity and an account. You can download the files from Coupa Treasury at Treasury > Cash Management > Account Statements .

These integrations are included in Standard:



sFTP folder

Standard Treasury Original Account Statement Export

Exports all account statements processed within the last 7 days and which have not yet been exported.


Note: Any changes to the standard integrations require a statement of work. Please reach out to your Coupa representative.