Setup Original File Export

Set up the Original File export using sFTP. Define settings for your Original File exports.

Exchange Original Files with third parties using the sFTP protocol. You can authenticate using either username and password or SSH key authentication. Coupa supports RSA 2048 bit key for SSH authentication.

  1. Setup sFTP using the guidelines defined in sFTP Account Management. Select Treasury as the application. There can only be one account per application.
  2. Define integration settings.
    1. Navigate to Setup > Integrations > Integrations
    2. Search for the integrations to set up and select the Edit icon.

      For a list of available file integrations, see Original File Export Types.

    3. Define the settings for the export.



      End System Type

      Type of system to consume the files.

      End System

      System to consume the files.

      Enable Encryption

      When enabled, exported files are PGP encrypted. Key can be maintained in sFTP account.

      Enable Scheduler

      Schedule for the profile. 

      Send file even if empty

      When enabled, exports an empty zip file if there is no data.

      Send unzip file

      When enabled, exported files are unzipped.

    4. Select Save.