Invoices Import


The Invoice Import process read files from the ./Incoming/Invoices/ SFTP folder. These files will be moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/Invoices/ before being processed in alpha-numeric order.

When including image scan attachments or file attachments, the invoice CSV and any relevant attachment files must be compressed together into a ZIP file. That ZIP file is what should be deposited on the SFTP folder. See Coupa Scan-One Integration for more info.

Coupa can load invoice files of any size as long as each zip file is less than 8MB. For Fast Invoice Entry, the limit is 2MB.

Note: If there is a need to load multiple invoices, Coupa recommends combining invoices into a single file. As every instance has a limited number of resources, loading multiple files can cause performance degradation.

Example: Supplier needs to load invoices 1A, 1B, and 1C. Instead of loading each invoice as an individual file, combine into a single file in order to ensure optimal speed and results while processing.

Unique Keys

Uniquely identifying an invoice requires the Invoice Number and one of Supplier Name or Supplier Number.


The loader looks up supplier based first on number, then based on name. It then uses supplier and invoice number to look up the invoice.

Note: Depending on which invoicing configuration you have, some fields on this loader won't be applicable to you. Check out your instance's specific integration documentation to see what's applicable for your particular instance.

Attachment Notes

When including file attachments, the invoice CSV and the associated attachment files must be compressed together into a ZIP file. The invoice CSV should be at the top level of the ZIP. That ZIP file is what should be loaded through the integration.

  • The attachment files are specified in the CSV. Each Attachmentfield can specify one file for your invoice file attachments. Use the syntax: file://<filename.ext>(example: file://sample.pdf). The file name should not be enclosed in quotation marks. If your ZIP file structure uses sub-directories for your files, then specify the path to the file using syntax like: file://FolderA/FolderB/sample.pdf.
  • For URL attachments, use http:// or https://<> (example:
  • Any other format will be loaded as a TEXT attachment.


Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Invoice No No Type of header row.
Invoice Number* Yes No string(40) Invoice Number this allocation belongs to
Supplier Name No No Supplier Name
Supplier Number No No Supplier Number
Status No No string(50) Status new, ap_hold, draft, on_hold, pending_receipt, rejected, abandoned, disputed, pending_approval, booking_hold, pending_action, approved, voided, processing, invalid, pending_action, payable_adjustment
Invoice Date* Yes No datetime Invoice Date
Submit For Approval? No No Submit For Approval?
Handling Amount No No decimal(32,4) Handling Amount
Misc Amount No No decimal(32,4) Misc Amount
Shipping Amount No No decimal(32,4) Shipping Amount
Line Level Taxation* Yes No boolean Line Level Taxation
Tax Amount No No decimal Tax Amount
Tax Rate No No float Tax Rate
Tax Code No No string(255) Tax Code
Tax Rate Type No No Tax Rate Type
Supplier Note No No text Supplier Note
Payment Terms No No Payment Terms
Shipping Terms No No Shipping Terms
Requester Email No No string Requester Email
Requester Name No No string Requester Name
Requester Lookup Name No No string Requester Lookup Name
Chart of Accounts* Yes No Chart of Accounts
Currency No No Currency. Required when submit_for_approval is true.
Contract Number No No Contract Number
Image Scan Filename No No Image Scan Filename
Image Scan URL No No string(255) Image Scan URL
Local Currency Net Yes No decimal(32,4) Net Amount in local currency
Taxes In Origin Country Currency Yes No decimal(32,4) Tax Amount in local currency
Local Currency Gross Yes No decimal(32,4) Gross Amount in local currency
Delivery Number No No string(255) Delivery Number
Delivery Date No No datetime Delivery Date
Margin Scheme No No string(255) Margin Scheme Description margin_scheme_catalog_codes
Invoice Issuance Time No No string(255) Invoice Issuance Time
Cash Register Operator No No string(255) Cash Register Operator
Means Of Payment No No string(255) Means Of Payment
Unique Identification Code Of Cash Receipt No Yes string(255) Identification Code Of Cash Receipt
Security Code Of Issuer No No string(255) Security Code Of Issuer
Cash Accounting Scheme Reference No No string(255) Non-blank Value Indicates Cash Accounting Scheme
Exchange Rate No No decimal(30,9) Exchange Rate
Gross Total No No decimal Gross Total. This field is for future use. Any value included in the field is not used, as this field is currently automatically calculated.
Invoice Control Total No No decimal 'Invoice Control Total' should be equal to 'Invoicing Total With Taxes' (i.e Total + [Invoice Taxes + Linex Taxes + Charge Taxes])
Late Payment Penalties No No string(255) Late Payment Penalties
Credit Reason No No string(255) The reason of creating the credit credit_reason_catalog_codes
Early Payment Provisions No No string(255) Early Payment Provisions
Pre-Payment Date No No datetime Pre-Payment Date
Self Billing Reference No No string(191) Self Billing Reference - Used as billing reference in compliant countries like The Netherlands
Discount Amount No No decimal(32,4) Discount Amount that supplier can provide - Used in compliant countries like The Netherlands
Reverse Charge Reference No No string(255) Reverse Charge Reference
Discount % No No float Discount %
Credit Note differences with Original Invoice No No decimal(30,4) The difference between invoice total & VAT total with credit note while creating a credit note for compliant countries
Original Value of Supply No No decimal(46,20) Original Value of Supply
Correct Value of Supply No No decimal(46,20) Correct Value of Supply
Customs Declaration Number No No string(60) Customs Declaration Number
Customs Office No No text Customs Office
Customs Declaration Date No No datetime Customs Declaration Date
Payment Order Reference No No string(255) A code given by banks to use it instead of a bank account transfer.
Payment Order Number No No string(255) Payment Order Number
Resolution Number No No string(255) Resolution Number
Amount of advance payment received No No decimal(30,4) Amount of advance payment received
Type of Relationship No No string(10) MX only - Relationship (Credit Memo, Debit Note, etc) of this document to the associated invoice. Selected from CFDI catalog c_TipoRelacion
Invoice Reference Number (IRN) No No string(255) The IRN is a unique ID generated using SHA256 algorithm and based on the parameters GST reg number, document number, financial year, and document type
Series No No string(30) Series
Folio Number No No string(255) Folio Number
Buyer Representative Name No No string(255) Buyer Representative Name
Supplier Representative Name No No string(255) Supplier Representative Name
Transaction UUID No No string(50) Unique identifier created by the tax authority's system for a specific document
Transaction Notification Date No No datetime Date on which the invoice is received from the tax authority's system
Ship To Name No No Ship To Name
Ship To Id No No Ship To Id
Ship To Attention No No Ship To Attention
Ship To Street1 No No Ship To Street1
Ship To Street2 No No Ship To Street2
Ship To City No No Ship To City
Ship To State No No Ship To State
Ship To Postal Code No No Ship To Postal Code
Ship to Country Code No No Ship to Country Code
Ship to Country Name No No Ship to Country Name
Ship to Location Code No No Ship to Location Code
Ship to VAT ID No No Ship to VAT ID
Ship to Local Tax Number No No Ship to Local Tax Number
Bill To Address Id No No Bill To Address Id
Bill To Address Legal Entity Name No No Bill To Address Legal Entity Name
Bill To Address Street No No Bill To Address Street
Bill To Address City No No Bill To Address City
Bill To Address Postal Code No No Bill To Address Postal Code
Bill To Address Country Code No No Bill To Address Country Code
Bill To Address Location Code No No Bill To Address Location Code
Bill To Address VAT ID No No Bill To Address VAT ID
Bill To Address Local Tax Number No No Bill To Address Local Tax Number
Remit To Address Street1 No No Remit To Address Street1
Remit To Address Street2 No No Remit To Address Street2
Remit To Address City No No Remit To Address City
Remit To Address State No No Remit To Address State
Remit To Address Postal Code No No Remit To Address Postal Code
Remit To Address Country Code No No Remit To Address Country Code
Remit To Code No No Remit To Code
Remit To Tax Prefix No No Remit To Tax Prefix
Remit To Tax Number No No Remit To Tax Number
Remit To Tax Country Code No No Remit To Tax Country Code
Remit To VAT ID No No Remit To VAT ID
Remit To Local Tax Number No No Remit To Local Tax Number
Invoice From Address Street1 No No Invoice From Address Street1
Invoice From Address Street2 No No Invoice From Address Street2
Invoice From Address City No No Invoice From Address City
Invoice From Address State No No Invoice From Address State
Invoice From Address Postal Code No No Invoice From Address Postal Code
Invoice From Address Country Code No No Invoice From Address Country Code
Invoice From Code No No Invoice From Code
Ship From Address Street1 No No Ship From Address Street1
Ship From Address Street2 No No Ship From Address Street2
Ship From Address City No No Ship From Address City
Ship From Address State No No Ship From Address State
Ship From Address Postal Code No No Ship From Address Postal Code
Ship From Address Country Code No No Ship From Address Country Code
Ship From Code No No Ship From Code
Original invoice number Yes No string(40) Original invoice number. Available for credit notes only. This field is required when the presentation requires it.
Original invoice date Yes No datetime Original invoice date. Available for credit notes only. This field is required when the presentation requires it.
Is Credit Note No No boolean If any value is put in this column, Coupa will make the document a Credit Note.
Disputed Invoice Number No No Disputed Invoice Number
Dispute Resolution Credit Note Number No No This is the reference to a full adjustment credit note which has been processed to balance disputed invoice identified by Disputed Invoice Number field.
Supplier Tax Number No No Supplier Tax Number
Buyer Tax Number No No Buyer Tax Number
Date of Discovery of Facts Decisive for Correction No No datetime Date of Discovery of Facts Decisive for Correction
Place Of Supply No No string(255) Place Of Supply
Split Payment Mechanism No No boolean Split Payment Mechanism
Endorsement On Invoices No No string(255) Endorsement On Invoices
New Means Of Transport No No string(255) New Means Of Transport
Place Of Issuance No No string(255) Place Of Issuance
Amount Of Advance Payment No No decimal(46,20) Amount Of Advance Payment
Supplier Invoice Issuer Name No No string(255) Supplier Invoice Issuer Name
Supplier Invoice Reviewer Name No No string(255) Supplier Invoice Reviewer Name
Supplier Payment Collector Name No No string(255) Supplier Payment Collector Name
Signed QR Code No No text Signed QR Code
State Tax ID Number No No string(255) State Tax ID Number
State Tax ID Number for Substitute Taxpayer No No string(255) State Tax ID Number for Substitute Taxpayer
Municipality Tax ID Number No No string(255) Municipality Tax ID Number
Serial Code of Fiscal Invoice No No string(255) Serial Code of Fiscal Invoice
Verification Code No No string(255) Verification Code
Type of Document No No string(255) Type of Document type_of_document_catalog_codes
Protocol Number No No string(255) Protocol Number
Nature of Operation No No string(255) Nature of Operation
Type of Operation No No string(255) Type of Operation
Freight Type No No string(255) Freight Type
Vehicle License Plate No No string(255) Vehicle's License Plate
National Enrollment of Conveyor No No string(255) National Enrollment of Conveyor
Volume Amount No No string(255) Volume Amount
Volume Gross Weight No No string(255) Volume Gross Weight
Volume Liquid Weight No Yes string(255) Volume Liquid Weight
Volume Brand No No string(255) Volume Brand
Volume Type No No string(255) Volume Type
Volume Numbering No No string(255) Volume Numbering
Payment Agreement Notes No No ReasonInsight Payment Agreement Notes
Attachment 1 No No Attachment 1
Attachment 2 No No Attachment 2
Attachment 3 No No Attachment 3
Attachment 4 No No Attachment 4
Attachment 5 No No Attachment 5
Attachment 6 No No Attachment 6
Attachment 7 No No Attachment 7
Attachment 8 No No Attachment 8
Attachment 9 No No Attachment 9
Attachment 10 No No Attachment 10
Ship To Street3 No No Ship To Street3
Ship To Street4 No No Ship To Street4
Remit To Address Street3 No No Remit To Address Street3
Remit To Address Street4 No No Remit To Address Street4
Invoice From Address Street3 No No Invoice From Address Street3
Invoice From Address Street4 No No Invoice From Address Street4
Ship From Address Street3 No No Ship From Address Street3
Ship From Address Street4 No No Ship From Address Street4
Invoice Charge No No Invoice Charge
Line Number No No The child object's Line Number, used to add a tagging on a line
Type* Yes No Type
Description No No The Tagging's description
Total* Yes No Invoice Charge Total
Percent No No Percent
Account Name No No Name of Account for this Allocation
Account Code No No Account Code for this Allocation
Billing Notes No No Account Billing Notes
Account Segment 1 No No Account Segment 1
Account Segment 2 No No Account Segment 2
Account Segment 3 No No Account Segment 3
Account Segment 4 No No Account Segment 4
Account Segment 5 No No Account Segment 5
Account Segment 6 No No Account Segment 6
Account Segment 7 No No Account Segment 7
Account Segment 8 No No Account Segment 8
Account Segment 9 No No Account Segment 9
Account Segment 10 No No Account Segment 10
Account Segment 11 No No Account Segment 11
Account Segment 12 No No Account Segment 12
Account Segment 13 No No Account Segment 13
Account Segment 14 No No Account Segment 14
Account Segment 15 No No Account Segment 15
Account Segment 16 No No Account Segment 16
Account Segment 17 No No Account Segment 17
Account Segment 18 No No Account Segment 18
Account Segment 19 No No Account Segment 19
Account Segment 20 No No Account Segment 20
Budget Period Name No No Name of the existing budget period this falls under
Line Tax Amount No No Line Tax Amount
Line Tax Rate No No Line Tax Rate
Line Tax Code No No Line Tax Code
Line Tax Rate Type No No Line Tax Rate Type
Exempt from Tax? No No Used for compliant invoicing to specify line is exempt from taxes
Reverse Charge? No No Used for compliant invoicing to specify tax is a reverse charge
Out of Scope? No No Used for compliant invoicing to specify tax is an out of scope
Line Tax Location No No Line Tax Location
Line Tax Description No No Line Tax Description
Line Tax Supply Date No No Line Tax Supply Date
Line Nature of Tax No No Line Nature of Tax
Line Product Tax Classification No No Line Product Tax Classification
Invoice Line No No Invoice Line
Supplier Part Number No No Supplier Part Number
Auxiliary Part Number No No Auxiliary Part Number
Price* Yes No Price
Quantity No No Quantity
Bulk Price No No Price of the bulk material
Bulk Price Qty No No Quantity of the bulk material
Bulk Price UOM No No UOM of the bulk material
Bulk Price Conversion Numerator No No Conversion Numerator of the Bulk Price UOM
Bulk Price Conversion Denominator No No Conversion Denominator of the Bulk Price UOM
Unit of Measure* Yes No Unit of Measure
Category No No Category
Subcategory No No Subcategory
Deductibility No No Deductibility
PO Number No No PO Number
PO Line Number No No PO Line Number
Net Weight No No Net Weight
Weight UOM No No Weight UOM
Price per Weight No No Price per Weight
Match Reference No No Three-way match attribute to connect with Receipt and Invoice Header
Delivery Note Number No No Delivery Note Number
Original Date Of Supply No No Original Date Of Supply
Commodity Name No No Name of the commodity
Adjustment Type No No Adjustment Type
Fiscal Code No No Fiscal Code
Classification of Goods No No Classification of Goods
Municipality Taxation Code No No Municipality Taxation Code
Item Barcode No No Item Barcode
Customer Accounting? No No Used to specify if tax is customer accounting
Account Allocation No No Indication its an Invoice Line Allocation Record
Amount No No Numerical Amount of the allocation in Invoice Line's currency
Percent No No Allocation's Percentage of Invoice Line
Tag No No Tag
Object Number* Yes No The parent object's number, used to add a tagging to a header level object
Name* Yes No The Tag's name
System Tag No No System Tag, defaults to false if not specified

Invoice Charge Columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Invoice Charge Indicates the type of header row No No - Invoice Charge
Invoice Number* Invoice Number Yes No string(40) any
Supplier Name Supplier Name No No string(100) Must exist in Coupa
Supplier Number Supplier Number No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Line Number Invoice Line Number this allocation belongs to No No integer(11) any
Type* Type Yes No string(255) InvoiceShippingCharge, InvoiceHandlingCharge, InvoiceMiscCharge
Description Description No No string(1550) any
Total* Invoice Charge Total Yes No decimal(30,4) any
Percent Percent No No decimal(16,10) any
Line Tax Amount Line Tax Amount No No decimal(32,4) any
Tax Rate Tax Rate No No decimal(16,10) any
Tax Code Tax Code No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Tax Rate Type Tax Rate Type No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Line Tax Location Line Tax Location No No string(255) any
Line Tax Description Line Tax Description No No string(255) any
Line Tax Supply Date Line Tax Supply Date No No datetime any
Account Name Name of Account for this Allocation No No string(1024) any
Account Code Account Code for this Allocation No No string(1024) any
Billing Notes Account Billing Notes No No text any
Account Segment 1 Account Segment 1 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 2 Account Segment 2 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 3 Account Segment 3 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 4 Account Segment 4 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 5 Account Segment 5 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 6 Account Segment 6 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 7 Account Segment 7 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 8 Account Segment 8 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 9 Account Segment 9 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 10 Account Segment 10 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 11 Account Segment 11 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 12 Account Segment 12 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 13 Account Segment 13 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 14 Account Segment 14 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 15 Account Segment 15 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 16 Account Segment 16 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 17 Account Segment 17 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 18 Account Segment 18 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 19 Account Segment 19 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 20 Account Segment 20 No No string(100) any
Budget Period Name Name of the existing budget period this falls under No No string(100) any

Invoice Line Columns

For invoice lines where the PO Number is specified, you must also provide PO Line Number or Supplier Part Number .

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Invoice Line Indicates the type of header row No No - Invoice Line
Invoice Number* Invoice Number* Yes No string(40) any
Supplier Name Supplier Name No No string(100) Must exist in Coupa
Supplier Number Supplier Number No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Line Number Line Number No Yes integer(11) any
Description The invoice line description, usually taken from the description of the item. Yes No string(1550)
Supplier Part Number Supplier Part Number No No string(255)
Auxiliary Part Number Auxiliary Part Number FALSE FALSE string(255) any
Price* The price of the order line item. Yes No decimal(46,20)
Quantity The quantity of the order line item. No No decimal(30,6)
Bulk Price Bulk Price No No decimal(30,6) any
Bulk Price Qty Bulk Price Qty No No decimal(30,6) any
Bulk Price UOM Bulk Price UOM No No int(11) any
Bulk Price Conversion Numerator Conversion Numerator of the Bulk Price UOM No No any
Bulk Price Conversion Denominator Conversion Denominator of the Bulk Price UOM No No any
Line Tax Amount Only has a value if the header item line level taxation is set to True. No No decimal(32, 4)
Line Tax Rate The tax rate indicated on the invoice line. Only has a value if the header item line level taxation is set to True. No No decimal(16,10) any
Line Tax Code The tax rate code for the line tax rate. Must match an existing tax rate code within Coupa. Only has a value if the header item line level taxation is set to True. No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Line Tax Rate Type Line Tax Rate Type No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Exempt from Tax? Used for compliant invoicing to specify line is exempt from taxes No No boolean
Reverse Charge? Used for compliant invoicing to specify tax is a reverse charge No No boolean
Line Tax Location Only has a value if the header item line level taxation is set to True. No No string(255)
Line Tax Description The line level tax description. No No string(255)
Line Tax Supply Date The line level tax supply date in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. No No datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
Line Nature of Tax Line Nature of Tax No No
Unit of Measure* The unit of measure code. it must already exist in Coupa. Yes No string(6)
Category Categroy No No string(255) any
Subcategory Subcategory No No string(255) any
Deductibility Deductibility No No string(255) any
PO Number The number given to the corresponding purchase order within Coupa (if any). No No string(20)
PO Line Number The line number of the corresponding purchase order line (if any). No No string(255)
Account Name The account name from Coupa. No No string(1024) any
Account Code The account code from Coupa. All segments are concatenated with a hyphen ( - ). No No string(1024) any
Billing Notes A text field for adding notes to a billing line. No No text(65,535) any
Account Segment 1 Account Segment 1 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 2 Account Segment 2 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 3 Account Segment 3 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 4 Account Segment 4 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 5 Account Segment 5 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 6 Account Segment 6 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 7 Account Segment 7 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 8 Account Segment 8 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 9 Account Segment 9 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 10 Account Segment 10 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 11 Account Segment 11 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 12 Account Segment 12 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 13 Account Segment 13 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 14 Account Segment 14 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 15 Account Segment 15 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 16 Account Segment 16 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 17 Account Segment 17 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 18 Account Segment 18 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 19 Account Segment 19 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 20 Account Segment 20 No No string(100) any
Budget Period Name Name of the existing budget period this falls under No No string(100) any
Net Weight The net weight of the order line item. No No decimal(30,6)
Weight UOM The unit of measure code of weight. It must already exist in Coupa. No No string(6)
Price per Weight The price per weight of the order line item. No No decimal(30,6)
Match Reference Three-way match attribute to connect with Receipt and Invoice Header No No string(255)
Delivery Note Number Delivery Note Number No No string(255)
Commodity Name Name of the commodity No No string(255)
HSN/SAC HSN/SAC No No string(255)
UNSPSC UNSPSC No No string(255)
Adjustment Type Adjustment Type No No string(255)
Customer Accounting? Used to specify if tax is customer accounting No No boolean
Original Date Of Supply Original Date Of Supply No No datetime YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM

Invoice Account Allocation Columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Account Allocation Indication its an Invoice Line Allocation Record No No - Account Allocation
Invoice Number* Invoice Number* Yes No string(40) any
Invoice Line Number* Invoice Line Number No No integer(11) any
Amount Numerical Amount of the allocation in Invoice Line's currency No No decimal(32,4) any
Percent Allocation's Percentage of Invoice Line No No decimal(16,10) any
Budget Period Name Name of the existing budget period this falls under No No string(100) any
Account Name Account Name No No string(1024) any
Account Code Account Code No No string(1024) any
Account Segment 1 Account Segment 1 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 2 Account Segment 2 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 3 Account Segment 3 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 4 Account Segment 4 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 5 Account Segment 5 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 6 Account Segment 6 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 7 Account Segment 7 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 8 Account Segment 8 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 9 Account Segment 9 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 10 Account Segment 10 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 11 Account Segment 11 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 12 Account Segment 12 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 13 Account Segment 13 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 14 Account Segment 14 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 15 Account Segment 15 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 16 Account Segment 16 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 17 Account Segment 17 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 18 Account Segment 18 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 19 Account Segment 19 No No string(100) any
Account Segment 20 Account Segment 20 No No string(100) any

Tag Columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Tag Indicates the type of header row No No - Tag
Object Number* The parent object's number, used to add a tagging to a header level object Yes No string(30) any
Line Number The invoice line No No int(11) any
Name* The Tag's name Yes No string(30) any
Description Description of the tag No No text any
System Tag System Tag, defaults to false if not specified No No boolean Yes/No

Invoice Tax Columns

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Invoice Tax Line Indicates the type of header row No No - Invoice Tax Line
Invoice Number* Invoice Number No No string(40) any
Invoice Line Number Include if line level tax No No int(11) any
Invoice Charge Number

Invoice Charge Number tracks the order of the charges. Typically, shipping charge is 1, handling charge is 2, and misc charge is 3. Numbering is not strictly enforced the line numbers to a specific type of charge.

The invoice charge number does not map to an invoice line number. All charges belong to the invoice itself.

An invoice can have shipping, handling, and/or misc charges. Each charge is a separate object in the database. Tax lines can be added against each charge.

No No integer(11) any
Line Number Line order for multiple tax lines, 1 if a single tax line No No int(11) any
Tax Amount The amount of the tax Yes no decimal(32,4) any
Tax Rate Tax Rate No No decimal(16,10) any
Tax Code Tax Code No No string(255) Must exist in Coupa
Tax Rate Type Tax Rate Type No No string(255) any
Tax Location Tax Location No No string(255) any
Tax Description Tax Description No No string(255) any
Tax Supply Date Tax Supply Date No No datetime any
Taxable Amount Compliance specific field for information only No No decimal(32,4) any
Type Determines the type of tax. No value specified = TaxLine No No string(255) TaxLine, WithholdingTaxLine
Base Amount Value of the taxable amount if different than the line total No No decimal(30,4) Any

Invoice Header Assignment

Field Name Required Field Unique? Field Type Field Description Possible Values
Document* Yes No InvoiceHeader Id
Assignee Type* Yes No string(255) Assignee Type
Assignee* Yes No Assignee
Comment No No Comment
Supplier Name No No Supplier Name
Supplier Number No No Supplier Number
Invoice Number No No Invoice Number
Invoice Date No No Invoice Date
Action No No Action, possible values are Assign and Unassign. Default to Assign