• Last edited on: 20 December 2021

Supplier Site Import

The Object Translation integration loader uses only a single set of header columns.


The Supplier Site Import process reads files from ./Incoming/SupplierSites/ in the standard SFTP setup. These files are moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/SupplierSites/ before being processed in alphanumeric order.


Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Code Must be unique supplier site code or else the system will attempt to updated the existing supplier site record true true string(20)
Name Supplier Site name true false string(255)
Shipping Terms If filled in, must match one of your Shipping Terms true true string(20) any
Supplier Name Parent Supplier name true false string(255) any
Id Coupa Unique Supplier Id false false integer any
PO Method Possible values are email, cxml, xml, buy_online or prompt. If email, the system will send the PO via email (must fill in the PO email address). If cxml, system will send the PO via XML (must fill in the cXML values). If prompt, the system will hold the PO and wait for you to manually release the order. false false string(255) cxml, xml, email, prompt, mark_as_sent, buy_online
PO Change Method Possible values are email, cxml, xml, buy_online or prompt. If email, the system will send the PO via email (must fill in the PO email address). If cxml, system will send the PO via XML (must fill in the cXML values). If prompt, the system will hold the PO and wait for you to manually release the order. false false string(255) cxml, xml, email, prompt, mark_as_sent, buy_online
Default Locale Will accept any valid locale short code i.e. en, en-GB, fr, fr-CA, etc. false false string(255) any
PO cXML URL Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Domain Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Identity Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Supplier Domain Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Supplier Identity Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Secret Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML Protocol Must be filled in if PO method is cXML true false string(255) any
PO cXML HTTP Basic Auth Username If sending PO cXML has HTTP Basic Auth false false string(255) any
cXML SSL Version Blank to use latest version available (recommended). Set to TLSv1 or SSLv3 to override false false string(255) any
Buyer Hold Possible values are Yes or No. If yes, then the buyer will need to review the PO before issuing. If no, the system will automatically send the PO via the preferred PO method false false boolean any
Disable Cert Verify Disable SSL Cert Checking false false boolean any
PO Email Must be filled in if PO method is email true false string(255) any
Active Possible values are true, false. false false boolean any
Request change orders Allow supplier to initiate an Order change requests false false integer any
Supplier Number Parent Supplier number false false any
Content Groups Enter in content groups (for security) false false any
Addresses List of associated Supplier address IDs. Must belong to a parent supplier false false [] any
Contacts List of associated Supplier contact IDs. Must belong to a parent supplier false false [] any
Account Types Chart of Accounts for supplier site false false
Payment Method Must be "Invoice", "P-Card", "Invoice Only", or "P-Card Only" false false string(255) Invoice, P-Card, Invoice Only, P-Card Only
Allow supplier to propose item substitute on Order Confirmations Allow supplier to propose item substitute on Order Confirmations false false boolean  

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