Accounting Data
Accounting Data
Accounting data is used when building the Chart of Accounts (CoA) within Coupa. The Chat of Accounts is unique for each customer and is derived from a combination of company code, account category, general ledger, project, asset, WBS, internal order or cost center. For more information around Chart of Accounts, follow this link.
When loading a Dynamic Chart of Accounts, the accounts values are stored into a Lookup Value table. This can be loaded through CSV integrations or through API integrations.
Cost Center:
The goal for this mapping is to send new, modified and inactive Cost Center data from SAP to Coupa. The customer can use whatever tool desired to extract the information for SAP and map the corresponding data from SAP to the Coupa fields. This mapping can be used for either the CSV or XML format.
Mandatory |
SAP Field |
Coupa Lookup |
Yes |
CSKT-LTEXT + "(" + CSKS-KOSTL + ")" |
Name* |
If CSKS-DATBI (Valid to date) is major or equal to current date, then Active = "Yes", if not then Active = "No" |
Active |
Yes |
CSKS-BUKRS “_CostCenter” |
Lookup* |
Description |
External Ref Num |
Example CSV file:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using SFTP credentials provided by Coupa, place the file on the server. This integration channel can also create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects.
Example API payload:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using a POST API call can either create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects. Refer to this lookup API documentation
Type |
https://<instance host name>/lookup_values |
Body |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lookup-value> <name>IT Services (IT1234)</name> <description>IT Services</description> <external-ref-num>IT1234</external-ref-num> <active>yes</active> <lookup> <name>1000_CostCenter</name> </lookup> </lookup-value>
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS):
The goal for this mapping is to send new, modified and inactive WBS data from SAP to Coupa. The customer can use whatever tool desired to extract the information for SAP and map the corresponding data from SAP to the Coupa fields. This mapping can be used for either the CSV or XML format.
Mandatory |
SAP Field |
Coupa Lookup |
Yes |
PRPS-POST1 + "(" + PRPS-POSID + ")" |
Name* |
Active |
Yes |
Lookup* |
Description |
External Ref Num |
Example CSV file:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using SFTP credentials provided by Coupa, place the file on the server. This integration channel can also create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects.
Example API payload:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using a POST API call can either create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects. Refer to this lookup API documentation
Type |
https://<instance host name>/lookup_values |
Body |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lookup-value> <name>Project (12345)</name> <description>Project</description> <external-ref-num>12345</external-ref-num> <active>yes</active> <lookup> <name>1000_WBS</name> </lookup> </lookup-value>
General Ledger
The goal for this mapping is to send new, modified and inactive General Ledger data from SAP to Coupa. The customer can use whatever tool desired to extract the information for SAP and map the corresponding data from SAP to the Coupa fields. This mapping can be used for either the CSV or XML format.
Mandatory |
SAP Field |
Coupa Lookup |
Yes |
SKAT-TXT20 + "(" + SKA1-SAKNR + ")" |
Name* |
If these indicators are blank, Active = Yes SKA1-XLOEV - Indicator: Account Marked for Deletion? SKA1-XSPEA - Indicator: Account Is Blocked for Creation ? SKA1-XSPEB - Indicator: Is Account Blocked for Posting? SKA1-XSPEP - Indicator: Account Blocked for Planning ? |
Active |
Yes |
SKB1-BUKRS + “_GL” |
Lookup* |
Description |
External Ref Num |
Example CSV file:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using SFTP credentials provided by Coupa, place the file on the server. This integration channel can also create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects.
Example API payload:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using a POST API call can either create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects. Refer to this lookup API documentation
Type |
https://<instance host name>/lookup_values |
Body |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lookup-value> <name>Raw material (0014050100)</name> <description>Raw material</description> <external-ref-num>0014050100</external-ref-num> <active>yes</active> <lookup> <name>1000_GL</name> </lookup> </lookup-value>
Internal Order
The goal for this mapping is to send new, modified and inactive Internal Order data from SAP to Coupa. The customer can use whatever tool desired to extract the information for SAP and map the corresponding data from SAP to the Coupa fields. This mapping can be used for either the CSV or XML format.
Mandatory |
SAP Field |
Coupa Lookup |
Yes |
COAS-KTEXT+ "(" + COAS-AUFNR + ")" |
Name* |
If the indicators is blank, Active = Yes COAS-LOEKZ - Deletion Flag |
Active |
Yes |
COAS-BUKRS + “_InternalOrder” |
Lookup* |
Description |
External Ref Num |
Example CSV file:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using SFTP credentials provided by Coupa, place the file on the server. This integration channel can also create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects.
Example API payload:
Using the field mappings above, the XML structure can be populated with the customers data and using a POST API call can either create, modify or de-activate the accounting objects. Refer to this lookup API documentation
Type |
https://<instance host name>/lookup_values |
Body |
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <lookup-value> <name>Marketing (0050000001)</name> <description>Marketing</description> <external-ref-num>0050000001</external-ref-num> <active>yes</active> <lookup> <name>1000_InternalOrder</name> </lookup> </lookup-value>
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