Step 3: Configure Corporate Card Settings
Once your Corporate Credit Card feed has been setup by your Coupa Implementation manager or TAM, you should configure the Corporate Credit Card settings.
The removal of an expense line created from a corporate card integration not from an individually-billed corporate card is an extra paid service that requires Coupa Professional Services. For more information, contact your Coupa representative.
Step 1: Configure General Corporate Credit Card Settings
- Sign into Coupa as an administrator and go to Setup > Expense Tools > Expense Card Settings.
When fields are marked as read-only in your Corporate Card Settings, anyone with either the Admin system role or the Edit Expense Report as Auditor system role is still able to modify the following fields in corporate card expense lines:
- Expense category
- Expense date
- Currency
- Description
- Merchant
Amount is the only field that cannot be modified, regardless of role, permissions, or settings. This is expected behavior.
Check Read-Only for fields that you DO NOT want users to be able to change for Corporate Card lines. These fields, on regular expense lines, will remain editable. As a best practice, configure Amount, Currency, and Date to read-only. Your Corporate Card provider is the source of truth for this data and users should not be able to edit. These settings are global across all corporate card integrations.
Step 2: Configure Corporate Card Reminder Notifications
- Go to Setup > Expense Tools > Expense Card Settings > Corporate Card Settings > Bill Cycle End Dates.
- Specify the Corporate Card Bill Cycle End Date for each integration. This is not the pay date for your billing cycle but the last day for transactions to be counted in a billing cycle each month.
- Click Save.
- Specify the Reminder Period for all of the integrations under Notification Reminders. This is the number of days (1 - 31) beyond the last cycle transaction day that end users have to complete and submit their Corporate Card Expense Reports.
- Specify whether to send the end user's manager (the next approver on the submitter's user record) a notification for overdue Corporate Card Expense Reports.
- Click Save. Once configured, a daily to-do reminder notification will be sent to a user for each un-submitted Corporate Card Report that is past due.
- Corporate Card Reminder Notifications are configured per Corporate Card Integration.
Step 3: Configure User Settings
The file delivered to Coupa by the provider is just a list of credit card transactions. Each transaction has certain pieces of information, such as the account number and the employee ID. We need to map that number to a specific user within Coupa. Users can be mapped to one or multiple cards across multiple corporate card integrations.
The imported expense reports will be assigned to the default user in the case that there is no match from the transactions in the file and the users mapping.The default user is a catch-all for corporate card transactions and as a best practice should always be populated by an active user.
After uploading, if Coupa can’t find the corresponding user mapping, the expense line will be added to the default user’s profile. The default user will then have the ability to reassign the report to the correct user.
This is typically some sort of admin/accounting person so they can keep track of any lines not accounted for. Default users are configured per Corporate Card Integration.
- Go to Setup > Expense Tools > Expense Card Settings > Users > Go to User Mappings.
- To create the mapping by individual user, click Create and make the map using the following guidelines:
Corporate Card Integration Name Select the Corporate Card Integration that the user maps to. Account Type
Select Employee ID as the type from the Account Type drop-down.
Note: When bulk loading, this field should be EMPLOYEE_ID
If the corporate card provider can not supply Employee ID, then please work with your PS implementation manager to use Account setup, which must be configured for the specific card provider (AMEX, MCC, VISA).
If this option is chosen, the project team must ensure clear text PAN is not included in the transaction files. To achieve this, all credit card account numbers must be masked in the file or must be non-card number account numbers. Our best practice is to mask the account number to the last 4 digits. However, with only 4 digits, it can be easy to duplicate within a large employee base. For these larger customers, we generally recommend first 6 and last 4 digits.
Account Number
Type the Employee ID exactly as it appears in the file.
You should be bulk loading this.
Corresponding Coupa user. This field autocompletes by pulling from the existing Coupa user list using the user’s name or email address.
Reimbursement Type Corporate Bill for company accounts; Individual Bill for personal accounts. - To upload user information in bulk, see Managing Coupa Tables for details on bulk uploads.
Step 4: Configure Category Settings
As in user mapping, each transaction in the file has a corresponding category code. Default category works in the same way as Default User. However, some customers want to leave this blank so users are forced to go in and categorize their expenses, or some other catch all category.
Expense lines will populate with the default category if the file importer cannot find a category mapped on the specified code. Leave blank to set with no default. This is a global setting across all corporate card integrations.
Corporate card transactions can be automatically assigned to an expense category based on its MCC or SIC code. Now, these mappings can be configured differently for each corporate card integration. This is particularly powerful for customers who have card programs based on spend type and may use categories to default different GL codes for end users.
- Go to Setup > Expense Tools > Expense Card Settings > Categories > Go to Category Mappings.
- To create the mapping by individual category, click Create and make the map using the following guidelines:
Corporate Card Integration Name Select the Corporate Card Integration the category maps to. Industry Code Type
The vendors have to file under these codes, so they’re not always very good. The customer should have their own codes to upload.
Industry Code
SIC – Amex
- Airfare – 4512
- Lodging – 7011
- Rental Car – 7514
MCC - MasterCard & Visa
- 3000-3299 Airlines
- 3351-3441 Car Rental
- 3501-3790 Hotels, Motels, Inns, and Resorts
The corresponding expense category in Coupa.
NoteCoupa maps the MCC value to the first numeric value of the possible range (e.g. an MCC value of 3420 in the source file will be parsed as 3351).
- To upload user information in bulk, see Managing Coupa Tables for details on bulk uploads.
Step 5: Configure Advanced Settings
Advanced settings basically provide ways to group Corporate Credit Card expenses and the transactions that you want to ignore. For example, you might not be interested in having credit adjustments appear in VISA Corporate Card transactions.
- Select whether Group corporate card expenses by Bill date is enabled.
- Go to Setup > Expense Tools > Expense Card Settings > Advanced > Go to Transaction Type Filter Mappings.
- To create the mapping by an individual filter, click Create.
Method |
Description |
Corporate Card Integration Name | Select the Corporate Card Integration the category maps to. |
Card Type |
Select Amex, MasterCard, or VISA |
Transaction Type |
Depending on the selected Card Type, a selection of transaction types will appear for selection. |
Filter |
Choose Ignore |
To upload filter information in bulk, see Managing Coupa Tables for details on bulk uploads.