Supplier Items Export

Revised: 28 May 2019


The suppliers export process from Coupa queries for all suppliers. The frequency of the integration run is once per day. The generated files will be placed into ./Outgoing/Supplier_Items.

Export of these records is limited to those customers with the Additional SFTP Exports license.

Position Column Name Description Type Req'd/Unique Allowable Values
1 Name Item's Name string(255) No/No any
2 Description Item's Description text No/No any
3 UOM Code Item's Unit Of Measure Code string(6) No/No Must be active in Coupa
4 Purchasable Flag if item is purchasable boolean No/No Yes/No
5 Item Number Item Number string(255) No/No any
6 Image Url Item's Image Url string(255) No/No URL
7 Commodity Item's Commodity Name string(255) No/No any
8 Tags Item's Tags (string300) No/No 30 characters per tag; maximum of 10 tags
9 Require Inspection? Does the item require an Inspection? boolean No/No Yes/No
10 Require Asset Tag? Does the item require an Asset Tag? boolean No/No Yes/No
11 Require RFID? Does the item require an RFID tag? boolean No/No Yes/No
12 Supplier Supplier's Name string(100) No/No any
13 Preferred Is the item a preferred item? boolean No/No Yes/No
14 Contract Number Contract Number string(50) No/No any
15 Price Price for item decimal(30,6) No/No Numerical
16 Currency Currency Code for item string(6) No/No ISO 4217 three letter currency code
17 Supplier Part Num Supplier Part Number string(255) Yes/No any
18 Lead Time Lead Time for item integer(11) No/No any
19 Manufacturer Manufacturer Name string(255) No/No any
20 Savings % Captured Savings % for this item decimal(8,2) No/No Numerical
21 Created At Date document was created datetime No/No YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
22 Updated At Date document was last updated datetime No/No YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM
23 Created By (Email) Email of user who created the record string(255) No/No Must be in valid email format:
24 Created By (Employee Number) Employee Number of user who created the record string(255) No/No any
25 Created By (Login) Login of user who created the record string(255) No/No any
26 Updated By (Email) Email of user who last updated the record string(255) No/No Must be in valid email format:
27 Updated By (Employee Number) Employee Number of user who last updated the record string(255) No/No any
28 Updated By (Login) Login of user who last updated the record string(255) No/No any
29 Supplier Minimum Order Quantity Supplier Minimum Order Quantity decimal(30,6) No/No any
30 Supplier Order Increment Supplier Order Increment decimal(30,6) No/No any