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Integration Scenarios
4. Invoice (OK-to-Pay) Integration Scenarios
4. Invoice (OK-to-Pay) Integration Scenarios
Coupa has standard formats for outbound Invoices (OK-to-Pay).
Relevant associated data objects (Supplier Information, Tax Code, Currency Code, Account, Remit to, and so on) must exist as a prerequisite in the ERP system for a successful integration.
See Using API and Using CSV for an overview of each method.
- For details on the Coupa standard CSV flat file integration for OK-to-Pay, see:
Invoices Export - For details on the Coupa REST API integration for OK-to-Pay, see:
Invoices API (/invoices)
For certification purposes, we have identified several common OK-to-Pay scenarios used by Coupa customers. Each scenario must be executed successfully using CSV and/or API.
- 4.1 Single-Line PO-Backed Invoice Approved and Ready to Pay in ERP
- 4.2 PO-Unbacked Invoice to ERP
- 4.3 PO-Backed Invoice with Custom Field to ERP
- 4.4 PO-Unbacked Invoice with Service Lines to ERP
- 4.5 PO-Backed Invoice with Multiple Tax Lines to ERP
- 4.6 PO-Unbacked Invoice with Attachments to ERP
- 4.7 PO-Backed Invoice/Credit Memo to ERP
- 4.8 Void an Invoice to ERP
- 4.9 50+ Approved Invoice and Ready to Pay in ERP (API Only)