Supplier Risk Aware Feed API (/supplier_risk_aware_feed)

Use the Supplier Risk Aware Feed API to load your governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) data into Risk Aware.

The Supplier Risk Aware Feed API lets you load your governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) data into Risk Aware.

The URL to access Order Lists is: https://{your_instance}/api/supplier_risk_aware_feed/


To use this API, you'll need to create an API key that includes the Supplier Risk Feed permissions. See API Key Security for more info.


The Supplier Risk Aware Feed API allows you to:

Verb Path Action Description
POST /api/supplier_risk_aware_feed create Create a new Supplier Risk Feed for a specific supplier. Cannot submit a POST request when the corresponding supplier status is evaluating
GET /api/supplier_risk_aware_feed index Get a list of Supplier Risk Feeds
GET /api/supplier_risk_aware_feed/:id show Get a specific Supplier Risk Feed
PUT /api/supplier_risk_aware_feed/:id update Update a specific Supplier Risk Feed

You can get a feed for a supplier, even if you don't know the ID of the feed by querying by supplier[id] , supplier[name] , or supplier[number] .


The Supplier Risk Aware Feed API contains the following elements:

Element Description Req'd Unique Allowable Value In Out Data Type
created-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime
id Coupa unique identifier yes integer
number-field-01 Number field 1. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-02 Number field 2. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-03 Number field 3. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-04 Number field 4. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-05 Number field 5. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-06 Number field 6. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-07 Number field 7. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-08 Number field 8. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-09 Number field 9. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
number-field-10 Number field 10. At least one number field is required. decimal or nil=true yes yes decimal(32,4)
supplier-id Supplier ID Yes Yes yes integer
supplier When performing a POST specify any one of these supplier elements id , name , or number . to positively identify the supplier. yes yes Supplier
updated-at Automatically created by Coupa in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MMZ yes datetime

To set a number field to nil, use nil=true in the number field attribute. For example: <number-field-01 nil="true"/> . This is handy when you want to delete a value.

Sample payloads

GET a feed for a specific supplier

You can get a feed for a supplier, even if you don't know the ID of the feed by querying by supplier[id] , supplier[name] , or supplier[number] .

Example query

GET https://{your-instance}/api/supplier_risk_aware_feed?supplier[name]={name of the supplier in Coupa}

Example response

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<supplier-risk-aware-feeds type="array">
				<id type="integer">22</id>
				<created-at type="dateTime">2019-03-05T08:12:26+13:00</created-at>
				<updated-at type="dateTime">2019-03-05T08:12:26+13:00</updated-at>
				<number-field-01 nil="true"/>
				<number-field-02 type="decimal">4.1235</number-field-02>
				<number-field-03 type="decimal">1.1111</number-field-03>
				<number-field-04 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-04>
				<number-field-05 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-05>
				<number-field-06 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-06>
				<number-field-07 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-07>
				<number-field-08 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-08>
				<number-field-09 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-09>
				<number-field-10 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-10>

POST a new feed

You can create a new feed for a supplier by specifying one of <id> , <name> , or <number> . A given supplier can only have one Risk Aware feed.

Example query and payload

POST https://{your-instance}/api/supplier_risk_aware_feed
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<number-field-01 nil="true"/>
		<number-field-02 type="decimal">4.1235</number-field-02>
		<number-field-03 type="decimal">1.1111</number-field-03>
		<number-field-04 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-04>
		<number-field-05 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-05>
		<number-field-06 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-06>
		<number-field-07 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-07>
		<number-field-08 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-08>
		<number-field-09 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-09>
		<number-field-10 type="decimal">1.0</number-field-10>
				<id>{Coupa's ID for the supplier}</id>
				<name>{the name of the supplier}</name>
				<number>{the supplier number}</number>

The response to a POST or PUT is the same as a GET.

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