• Last edited on: 15 December 2023

Service/Time Sheets Import

The Service/Time Sheets loader uses four header rows: Service/Time Sheet Header, Time Sheet Line, Service Line, and Rate Card Line


This loader is available for Services Maestro customers.

The Service/Time Sheets import process reads files from ./Incoming/ServiceTimeSheets in the standard SFTP setup. These files are moved to the archive folder located at ./Incoming/Archive/ServiceTimeSheets before being processed in alphanumeric order.

You can also find this integration object in your Coupa instance at:

Service time/sheet header

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Service/Time Sheet Header Specifies the type of row FALSE FALSE string(255) Service/Time Sheet Header
PO Number PO number of the associated PO FALSE FALSE string(20) any
Supplier Name The name of the supplier FALSE FALSE string(100) any
Supplier Number Used to cross-reference the supplier number from your financial system FALSE FALSE (string255) any
External Reference External Reference FALSE FALSE string(255) any

Time sheet line

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Time Sheet Line Specifies the type of row FALSE FALSE string(255) Time Sheet Line
PO Line Number Line number of the associated PO line FALSE FALSE string(20) any
Week Start Date Date when the work began. Can't be in the future. FALSE FALSE date Can't be future. Format must include dashes. Acceptable formats are:
  • dd-mm-yyyy
  • mm-dd-yyyy
  • yyyy-mm-dd
Day 1 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 2 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 3 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 4 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 5 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 6 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
Day 7 Hours worked. Sum of hours for all days must be greater than zero. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,3) any
My Custom Field Custom Field FALSE FALSE any

Day 1 is always the first day of the week. Currently, it's always Sunday, but in future releases, the actual day (Sunday, Monday, etc) of Day 1 could be determined by your locale.

Service line

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
Service Line Specifies the type of row FALSE FALSE string(255) Service Line
Price For service quantity lines, must match the PO's line. For service amount lines, can be any valid amount. FALSE FALSE decimal(30,6) any
Currency Must match the PO line's currency code FALSE FALSE string(6) any
Quantity For amount-based lines, must be blank FALSE FALSE decimal(30,6) any
Actual Completion Time and date of when the work was completed FALSE FALSE datetime any
UOM For service quantity lines, Must match the PO line. For service amount lines, must be blank. FALSE FALSE string(100) any

Rate card line (when applicable)

Column Name Description Req'd Unique Type Allowable Values
PO line number Line number of the associated PO line FALSE FALSE string(20) any
Rate line Specify the rate line TRUE FALSE string(20)
Name Describes the service associated with the rate. Typically the same as the Rate line field TRUE FALSE string(100) any
Code Describes the service associated with the rate.  FALSE FALSE any
Line type Amount, Quantity, or Resource TRUE FALSE Amount, Quantity, or Resource
Price Total budget for the request TRUE FALSE decimal(30,6) any
Quantity For amount-based lines, must be blank FALSE FALSE decimal(30,6) any
UOM Unit of measure. Required for Quantity-based lines. FALSE FALSE string(100) any

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